my colleagues anna kostyuchenko and pavel sukhodolskyi asked the volunteers and... the latter how the constant attacks affect them psychologically, what motivates them and do they count on the help of the event? i believe that the ukrainian population cannot be intimidated by anything. if it came now, it seems to me that more than a hundred people i know that some even came from the kyiv region to clean up, and someone brought tea in thermoses, so i believe that they will not be able to intimidate us, because... they can beat, but they will not create fear with this 100% . and it goes on and on, and everything doesn't end , and that's it, but when you think about what those guys who are harrowing there feel, yes in the frost, in the cold, in the rain and everything, then you think that you are sleeping in a warm bed, even in the bathroom, but at home, and that's all... the darkness disappears and you think, what, what, what are you can you do more and of course, all the people we saw today who were leaving their homes, temporarily evicted, so they're in a lot of shock, and i think...