Mar 2, 2024
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today, i take this opportunity to draw your attention to peru. year has passed since the beginning of the killings by the dinabate regime. in julia, in ayachuko, in the city. julia, 18 people were shot dead by the police in just one day. in ayakucho, 10 people were killed, and this issue was not condemned by anywhere, neither the organization of american states, nor the international community. we're still in a state of emergency and our civil rights are still being curtailed. on the other hand, there is call of solidarity from nations and some respectable governments. there are still governments for example. mexico, which behaved very respectfully, as well as colombia and the countries of alba, to protest and condemned what is happening in peru. we don't live in a normal democracy or anything like that. therefore, the outlook is that this situation will intensify if there is no reaction. to condemn these conditions and stand in solidarity with the peruvian nation, and i use this opportunity to call for solidarity and draw attention. thank you, w
today, i take this opportunity to draw your attention to peru. year has passed since the beginning of the killings by the dinabate regime. in julia, in ayachuko, in the city. julia, 18 people were shot dead by the police in just one day. in ayakucho, 10 people were killed, and this issue was not condemned by anywhere, neither the organization of american states, nor the international community. we're still in a state of emergency and our civil rights are still being curtailed. on the other...
Mar 7, 2024
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today i take this opportunity to draw your attention to peru.d since the beginning of the killings by the. 18 people were shot dead by the police in just one day, in ayakucho, 10 people were killed, and this issue was not condemned by anywhere, neither the organization of american states, nor the international community. we're still in a state of emergency, and our civil rights are still being curtailed. on the other hand, there is call of solidarity. from nations and some respectable governments. there are still governments, for example, mexico, which behaved very respectfully, as well as colombia and the countries of alba to protest and condemn what is happening in peru. we don't live in a normal democracy or anything like that. therefore, the outlook is that this situation will intensify if there is no reaction to condemn these conditions and stand in solidarity with the peruvian naity. thank you, we will continue this fight, thanks, keep up the good work, thank you very much. in this week's show, we'll be asking why the archbishop of counter
today i take this opportunity to draw your attention to peru.d since the beginning of the killings by the. 18 people were shot dead by the police in just one day, in ayakucho, 10 people were killed, and this issue was not condemned by anywhere, neither the organization of american states, nor the international community. we're still in a state of emergency, and our civil rights are still being curtailed. on the other hand, there is call of solidarity. from nations and some respectable...
Mar 6, 2024
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hoy desde perú estamos con today we're coming to you from peru with an eye durant.ll, i must say that the fujimori government was elected by popular vote in 1990, in the context of severe structural crisis in peru, like an unprecedented hyperinflation, very bloody internal armed conflict. in the meantime, fuji mora came to power with the promise of not restoring to shock and neoliberal measures. two years later, in 1992, he tries to establish special relations with a... part of the armed forces and business groups and he does this with the advice of vladimiro montesinos and on april 5th, 1992, he closes the congress and declares a state of emergency. it is in this emergency situation that he starts implement the neoliberal model in the country. in terms of ideology, we must say that fujimorism does not have a great ideology and does not belong to any great discourse, but a completely. matic government that tried to create a shock. in addition, the vote itself an authoritarian government allowed the implementation of neoliberal measures and the orders from washington
hoy desde perú estamos con today we're coming to you from peru with an eye durant.ll, i must say that the fujimori government was elected by popular vote in 1990, in the context of severe structural crisis in peru, like an unprecedented hyperinflation, very bloody internal armed conflict. in the meantime, fuji mora came to power with the promise of not restoring to shock and neoliberal measures. two years later, in 1992, he tries to establish special relations with a... part of the armed...
Mar 30, 2024
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reportera: dina boluarte, presidenta de perÚ, podrÍa tener las horas contadas.lacio de gobierno con las manos limpias y asÍ me voy a retirar en 2026. reportera: todo ocurriÓ mientras los peruanos dormÍan en semana santa. un equipo allanÓ su casa buscando relojes costosos. >> todo esto es reservado. [audio ambiente] reportera: una denuncia periodÍstica dijo que la presidenta lucÍa estas joyas en sus actos oficiales. y que tenÍa ingresos no justificados y no declarados. un juez supremo autorizÓ el allanamiento por presunto enriquecimiento ilÍcito. luego llegaron a palacio de gobierno y encontraron hasta 10 relojes. el abogado de la presidenta dice que ella va a declarar a la fiscalÍa el prÓximo viernes. la tormenta polÍtica se desatÓ y el perÚ ante la posibilidad de la caÍda del gobierno de dina boluarte. congresista de varios partidos han anunciado que van a pedir su vacancia. dina boluarte reemplazÓ a pedro castillo ante un intento de golpe de estado y serias acusaciÓn de corrupciÓn. la historia podrÍa repetirse. fÉlix: con una oraciÓn, el papa francisco ofreciÓ
reportera: dina boluarte, presidenta de perÚ, podrÍa tener las horas contadas.lacio de gobierno con las manos limpias y asÍ me voy a retirar en 2026. reportera: todo ocurriÓ mientras los peruanos dormÍan en semana santa. un equipo allanÓ su casa buscando relojes costosos. >> todo esto es reservado. [audio ambiente] reportera: una denuncia periodÍstica dijo que la presidenta lucÍa estas joyas en sus actos oficiales. y que tenÍa ingresos no justificados y no declarados. un juez...
Mar 13, 2024
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es que sigue defendiendo sobre todo estos hallazgos que se han dado en perú y que han sido polémicosracismo como una crisis de salud pública . es una aprobación unánime en el consejo que llegó luego que la directora de servicios de salud de ese condado hizo un llamado para intensificar la lucha contra la discriminación racial. y es que algunos habitantes del condado ven con recelo dicha medida por. porque se aprobó luego de la renuncia de la directora del departamento de equidad y activistas pro inmigrantes se concentraron hoy frente a la alcaldía para exigir a las autoridades más recursos para refugios que puedan precisamente acoger, beneficiar a los migrantes. según la organización de fe en acción. ahí en san francisco, son decenas las personas que están sufriendo por no tener un techo donde dormir. casi la una de la madrugada nos dieron 2 colchas y como que empezó la lluvia y nos tuvimos que ir en un paradero de bus para que nos pueda tapar de la lluvia. las autoridades reconocen que el sistema para albergar y proteger a las familias migrantes que buscan refugio está saturado. la
es que sigue defendiendo sobre todo estos hallazgos que se han dado en perú y que han sido polémicosracismo como una crisis de salud pública . es una aprobación unánime en el consejo que llegó luego que la directora de servicios de salud de ese condado hizo un llamado para intensificar la lucha contra la discriminación racial. y es que algunos habitantes del condado ven con recelo dicha medida por. porque se aprobó luego de la renuncia de la directora del departamento de equidad y...
Mar 30, 2024
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and the lesson that taught me was -- the rest of the press in peru is very flawed.he political scene at the time was totally partisan, bought off , drunk, everything else. eliana: my mom is from lima and her cousin wound up behind bars. charles: the point being that they needed foreigners to tell them what was actually going on, literally in another language. and people who really needed accurate, objective information would pay a high premium for it, to get it from these outsiders. these people who, if push came to shove, could move to chile, which in the end they had to do. i sort of feel like if we are going to -- we might find ourselves needing something like that here in america, right? there might be this niche of the men and women from outside the maelstrom, speaking hopefully in english, but maybe not. maybe they can use another language -- german. with that, i think we will open it up to questions. i think we are at about 6:11. who is the boss of this? are we ok on time? do we have until about 6:30? ok. so you will be in control of the microphone. ok. your
and the lesson that taught me was -- the rest of the press in peru is very flawed.he political scene at the time was totally partisan, bought off , drunk, everything else. eliana: my mom is from lima and her cousin wound up behind bars. charles: the point being that they needed foreigners to tell them what was actually going on, literally in another language. and people who really needed accurate, objective information would pay a high premium for it, to get it from these outsiders. these...
Mar 25, 2024
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i was born in lima, peru. when i was three years old my family moved here. or any reason other than the fact that my father was in love with the idea of coming to the added states, and he thought that political conditions in peru were not good and he wanted us to leave and be educated here. so we lived in the bay area in lifornia, where we had relatives on both sides of the family. and we lived there for seven years until i was 10. then we decided to go back to peru. thought things were getting better. they were not, really. maybe they were for a little while but then they got worse. so then, i state there -- stayed there from the fifth grade until i finished high school, then me back for college. so, i either came when i was three or when i was 17, because we came back and forth. peter: you won a pze ago for? mr. lozada: criticism. this was in 2019, and it was for a lot of -- for my reviews and essays about books on politics. and so, this kind of material. peter: carlos lozada, in your book "the washington book: how to read politics and politicians," you ha
i was born in lima, peru. when i was three years old my family moved here. or any reason other than the fact that my father was in love with the idea of coming to the added states, and he thought that political conditions in peru were not good and he wanted us to leave and be educated here. so we lived in the bay area in lifornia, where we had relatives on both sides of the family. and we lived there for seven years until i was 10. then we decided to go back to peru. thought things were getting...
Mar 25, 2024
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i was born in lima, peru. when i was three years old my family moved here.ot for any big job or any reason other than the fact that my father was in love with the idea of coming to the added states and he thought that political conditions in peru were not good and he wanted us to leave and be educated here. in california where we had relatives on both sides of the family. and we lived there for seven years until i was 10. then we decided to go back to peru. thought things were getting better. they were not, really. maybe they were for a little while but then they got worse. so then, i state there -- stayed there fromhen came back for college. so i either came when i was three or when i was 17, because we came back and forth. peter: you won a pulitzer a couple years ago for? mr. lozada: criticism. this was in 2019, and it was for a lot of -- for my reviews and essays about books on politics. and so,his kind of material. peter: carlos lozada, in your book "the washington book: how to read politics and politicians," you have a section on government reports, and
i was born in lima, peru. when i was three years old my family moved here.ot for any big job or any reason other than the fact that my father was in love with the idea of coming to the added states and he thought that political conditions in peru were not good and he wanted us to leave and be educated here. in california where we had relatives on both sides of the family. and we lived there for seven years until i was 10. then we decided to go back to peru. thought things were getting better....
Mar 29, 2024
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and the lesson that taught me was -- the rest of the press in peru is very flawed. the political scene at the time was totally partisan, bought off , drunk, everything else. eliana: my mom is from lima and her cousin wound up behind bars. charles: the point being that they needed foreigners to tell them what was actually going on, literally in another language. and people who really needed accurate, objective information would pay a high premium for it, to get it from these outsiders. these people who, if push came to shove, could move to chile, which in the end they had to do. i sort of feel like if we are going to -- we might find ourselves needing something like that here in america, right? there might be this niche of the men and women from outside the maelstrom, speaking hopefully in english, but maybe not. maybe they can use another language -- german. with that, i think we will open it up to questions. i think we are at about 6:11. who is the boss of this? are we ok on time? do we have until about 6:30? ok. so you will be in control of the microphone. ok. you
and the lesson that taught me was -- the rest of the press in peru is very flawed. the political scene at the time was totally partisan, bought off , drunk, everything else. eliana: my mom is from lima and her cousin wound up behind bars. charles: the point being that they needed foreigners to tell them what was actually going on, literally in another language. and people who really needed accurate, objective information would pay a high premium for it, to get it from these outsiders. these...
Mar 12, 2024
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, same thing in peru, 50 miles north of lima building a huge superport, h $3.5 billion port and china this caveat, can't have customs there, can't have security customs there and that is the closest to china. when we 've lived in comfort with the pacific and atlantic as our big moats chinamerica and mexico into the united : states. >> host: how would you -- that's incredibly informative, to theat middle east, the hot button issue rightchina, think about the biden administration's strategy for handling these problems and why it is not going so well in policy towards iran versus china. if you don't understand the china is the one bankrolling the uranian's you can't come up with a coherent strategy, if you don't understand the i rgc is sending it against the russian war effort you can come up with a coherent strategy fot russians back in their own territory. if you wouldn't mind, i know it is important because we are here to talk about your china bill but to understand why it is so important to take on china and its effects on other untrs, if you talk about china buying uranian oil defyi
, same thing in peru, 50 miles north of lima building a huge superport, h $3.5 billion port and china this caveat, can't have customs there, can't have security customs there and that is the closest to china. when we 've lived in comfort with the pacific and atlantic as our big moats chinamerica and mexico into the united : states. >> host: how would you -- that's incredibly informative, to theat middle east, the hot button issue rightchina, think about the biden administration's strategy...
Mar 31, 2024
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la fiscalia de peru allana la vivienda personal de la presidenta dina boluarte..les diremos que tieneo ronaldo no para de hacer goles en arabia saudita. ya suma 53 tantos en 59 partidos fuerzas de seguridad de asistencia del gobierno a las fuerzas de seguridad de haiÍ para proteger a los civiles y la infraestructur a clave del pÍs, contra los ataques de organizaciones criminales... elÚltimo mes, las pandillas han intensificado sus ataques contra escuelas, farmacias, estaciones policiales y el principal aeropuerto de puerto pÍncipe, la capital. esta noche se conocio que en un allanamiento de la fiscalia del peÚ -a la vivienda personal de la presidenta del pÍs dina boluarte- se encontro el recibo de un valioso reloj rolex, que es centro de un gran escandalo politico... maÍa luisa marÍnez nos dice porque muchos piensan que a la mandataria le puede estar llegando la hora de dejar el cargo.... en los deportes, cristiano ronaldo hizo tres goles en 23 minutos en arabia saudita y no se detiene en su camino por ser el maximo artillero en la historia del futbol.... adrÁn esparza con la informac
la fiscalia de peru allana la vivienda personal de la presidenta dina boluarte..les diremos que tieneo ronaldo no para de hacer goles en arabia saudita. ya suma 53 tantos en 59 partidos fuerzas de seguridad de asistencia del gobierno a las fuerzas de seguridad de haiÍ para proteger a los civiles y la infraestructur a clave del pÍs, contra los ataques de organizaciones criminales... elÚltimo mes, las pandillas han intensificado sus ataques contra escuelas, farmacias, estaciones policiales y...
Mar 17, 2024
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the cook was preparing for peru. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. yes, yes, at that time, only men. it was quite hard work. an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages. some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, but there should be a standard, of course , mine probably isn’t, mine is too big, for the first time it’s normal , you felt like a prisoner, probably now the soldiers should feel, come on, okay, let’s go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children and wow, the children were made, he’s happy to talk about the most picturesque places in the country, it was unexpected, my... wants to build some kind of film, that people have already walked here, run around all sorts of massacres, all sorts of epic history, look at the white dew travel project on the belarus 24 tv channel, everything that modern belarus lives with today, wat
the cook was preparing for peru. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. yes, yes, at that time, only men. it was quite hard work. an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages. some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, but there should be a standard, of course , mine probably isn’t, mine is too big, for the first time it’s normal , you felt like a prisoner, probably...
Mar 31, 2024
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. >> y la presidenta de peru, dina boluarte, califico hoy de arbitrario, abusivo y desproporcionado elu casa y al palacio de gobierno que hizo la fiscalia en la investigacion por corrupcion relacionada con su coleccion de relojes de lujo que supuestamente no habia declarado ni justificado los relojes siempre he dicho que soy una mujer honesta. >> entre a palacio de de gobierno con las manos limpias y asi me retirare en el ano 2026. >> acoso por de la prensa por otro lado su antiguo partido el marxista peru libre, presento una mocion para su destitucion. >> del otro lado del mundo, un segundo cargamento cargamento de ayuda a gaza con casi cuatrocientas toneladas de alimentos, partio hoy desde el puerto de lanaca en en chipre. >> este pais, en cooperacion con israel, ha establecido un corredor maritimo directo a gaza, donde la onu advierte sobre una inminente crisis de ha hombre en mas de la mitad de los 2.3 millones de habitantes. >> paralelamente, estados unidos planea enviar miles de bombas a israel, asegurando su uso conforme a las leyes de guerra y este sabado miles se congregaron e
. >> y la presidenta de peru, dina boluarte, califico hoy de arbitrario, abusivo y desproporcionado elu casa y al palacio de gobierno que hizo la fiscalia en la investigacion por corrupcion relacionada con su coleccion de relojes de lujo que supuestamente no habia declarado ni justificado los relojes siempre he dicho que soy una mujer honesta. >> entre a palacio de de gobierno con las manos limpias y asi me retirare en el ano 2026. >> acoso por de la prensa por otro lado su...
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that is due to a rising demand. coca cultivation in peru is doubled since 2015. the drug is almost exclusively exposed to europe in germany records. 35 tons was seized last year alone. that's why germany's federal minister of the interior, nancy phaser, is traveling to south america, offering great to collaboration between nations. except as i've already seen, the spiraling violence in belgium and the netherlands public. prosecutors and journalists have been shot dead. and i would like to prevent that from happening in germany. and he, non whitehall, 2000 drug related death. so not just a few. and it's not just about people dying, it's a huge impoverishment associated with violence and huge profits given in peru. rain forests are being cleared for drug cultivation. coca farm is just enough to survive well, international smugglers make millions. the rule of law is being undermined by corruption so they're going to have a shared responsibility. countries that can see must cooperate with countries that produce because this is where the damage is done, the environmen
that is due to a rising demand. coca cultivation in peru is doubled since 2015. the drug is almost exclusively exposed to europe in germany records. 35 tons was seized last year alone. that's why germany's federal minister of the interior, nancy phaser, is traveling to south america, offering great to collaboration between nations. except as i've already seen, the spiraling violence in belgium and the netherlands public. prosecutors and journalists have been shot dead. and i would like to...
Mar 30, 2024
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peru�*s government called the raid an �*intolerable outrage�*.rs after his death — there�*s a claim that previously unheard music has been found. he lived in belgium towards the end of his life, and now a lawyer representing the people he lived with says they�*ve found a huge collection of his belongings — including costumes and audio cassettes. kevin connolly reports. # ..to make me blue. # with some other guy that you knew before... marvin gaye, seen here in the legendary performance at montreux, made some of the greatest records in pop history. but what if there are more songs, maybe more classics, that no—one has ever heard? these are the tapes that we found... this belgian lawyer says there is just such a track, although he�*s keeping it under wraps for now. he�*ll describe it to us but he won�*t play it to us. it's an amazing song, a great tune, great lyrics, catchy, and i thought, "this is a planetary "alightment moment". the jazz musician and marvin gaye expert gary crosby is looking forward to hearing any new songs. undiscovered marvin g
peru�*s government called the raid an �*intolerable outrage�*.rs after his death — there�*s a claim that previously unheard music has been found. he lived in belgium towards the end of his life, and now a lawyer representing the people he lived with says they�*ve found a huge collection of his belongings — including costumes and audio cassettes. kevin connolly reports. # ..to make me blue. # with some other guy that you knew before... marvin gaye, seen here in the legendary...
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plus as demand for cocaine grows to all time highs in europe. authorities in peru call for international cooperation to dismantle the supply chain. the hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. francis joins united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez and calling for an independent investigation into a deadly a distribution incident in kansas city. the homos run goes, a health ministry said more than a 100 people were killed thursday when is really sold. here's hoping fire. newer crowds, rounding an aid convoys. israel blames the death sona stampede. a mouse says the death toll in gaza has now surpassed 30000 in the fighting since the groups october 7th terror attacks in israel. of these aerial images have been released by israel's military. it says the shall ballast indians in gaza city running towards it. trucks in the early hours of thursday morning presenting in a deadly stampede at 4 45 pm em up bush, the 8 trucks bringing the convoy to a halt. as you can see in this video, the tags that were there to secure the condo boy sees the goes on to being trampled and cautio
plus as demand for cocaine grows to all time highs in europe. authorities in peru call for international cooperation to dismantle the supply chain. the hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. francis joins united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez and calling for an independent investigation into a deadly a distribution incident in kansas city. the homos run goes, a health ministry said more than a 100 people were killed thursday when is really sold. here's hoping fire....
Mar 3, 2024
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there are at least, you know, 2000, 3000 of these villagers from cabanatuan, the coca valley of peru, and anybody gets in a car accident or has a health problem and they all get together and raise money by cooking things and selling things and sewing things and they help each other and they are by now having been for three generations in maryland, there are lawyers among them, there are doctors among them. there are people who have come from the village life in the mountains, really the sierra of peru, to create this whole world that in maryland, which is extraordinary. and there, you know what, 15 miles from from washington, d.c., from the white house, from the capital, right here in the metropolitan area of the nation's capital. yes, that's right. and also, the bolivian community has been in it for a while. and as you document in the book, very well and central american population is kind of the backbone of the construction and service industry in the washington, d.c. area without them, i will be having a hard time doing any renovation, buying any housing, buying any food. so it's n
there are at least, you know, 2000, 3000 of these villagers from cabanatuan, the coca valley of peru, and anybody gets in a car accident or has a health problem and they all get together and raise money by cooking things and selling things and sewing things and they help each other and they are by now having been for three generations in maryland, there are lawyers among them, there are doctors among them. there are people who have come from the village life in the mountains, really the sierra...
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voters to the pallet. farms as demand for cocaine grows to all time highs in europe, the authorities in peru call for international cooperation to stop the international supply chain. the alarm terry martin. good to have you with us. united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez says a deadly a distribution incident in gaza requires what he calls an effective independent investigation. must run guys. a health industry said more than a 100 people were killed. one is rarely soldiers open, fire near a crowd surrounding and a convoy is real blames the death on the stem pied thursday's incident added to a palestinian death toll which the gaza health industry says tops 30000 people. now these aerial images have been released by israel's military. it says the show palestinians in garza city, running towards 8 trucks in the early hours of thursday morning presenting in a deadly stem bead. a. it full $45.00 c. m. m up ambush the a trucks bringing that con void to a halt. as you can see, in this video, the tags that were there to secure the condo boy sees the cousins being trampled and cautiously
voters to the pallet. farms as demand for cocaine grows to all time highs in europe, the authorities in peru call for international cooperation to stop the international supply chain. the alarm terry martin. good to have you with us. united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez says a deadly a distribution incident in gaza requires what he calls an effective independent investigation. must run guys. a health industry said more than a 100 people were killed. one is rarely soldiers open,...
Mar 18, 2024
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the cook was preparing for peru. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. yes, at that time, only men. it was quite difficult. ecuadorian lives here 8 years old and travels around our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it ’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, there should be a standard, of course , mine probably doesn’t, mine is too scary, for the first time it’s normal , you felt like a prisoner , probably now the soldiers should feel, come on, okay, let’s go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children and the children made it. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway. denmark , the netherlands, germany, france , spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, cro
the cook was preparing for peru. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. yes, at that time, only men. it was quite difficult. ecuadorian lives here 8 years old and travels around our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it ’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, there should be a standard, of course , mine probably doesn’t, mine is too scary, for the first time it’s normal , you felt like a prisoner , probably now...
Mar 25, 2024
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i was born in lima, peru. when i was three years old my family moved here.t for any big job or any reason other than the fact that my father was in love with the idea of coming to the added states and he were not good and he wanted us to leave and be educated here. so we lived in the bay area in california where we had relatives on both sides of the family. and we lived there for seven years until i was 10. then we decided to go back to peru. thought things were getting better. they were not, really. maybe they were for a little while but then they got worse. so then, i state there - there from the fifth grade until i finished high school, then came back for college. so i either came when i was three or when i was 17, because we came back and forth. peter: you won a pulitzer a couple years ago for? mr. lozada: criticism. this was in 2019, and it was for a lot of -- for on politics. and so, this kind of material. peter: carlos lozada, book "the washington book: how to read politics and politicians," you have a section on governmentts, and that you have actual
i was born in lima, peru. when i was three years old my family moved here.t for any big job or any reason other than the fact that my father was in love with the idea of coming to the added states and he were not good and he wanted us to leave and be educated here. so we lived in the bay area in california where we had relatives on both sides of the family. and we lived there for seven years until i was 10. then we decided to go back to peru. thought things were getting better. they were not,...
Mar 30, 2024
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peru's government called the raid an �*intolerable outrage'.ral hours at a nightclub. the man emerged from the venue in the town of ede, wearing a balaclava and can be seen here following police instructions to put his hands on his head. riot police and explosives experts had been deployed and the town centre evacuated. police say there's no indication of a terrorist motive. the oxford—cambridge boat race has been one of the world's best—known amateur sporting events since it first took place in 1829. crews from both universities are gearing up to compete on the river thames. but athletes this year have been warned not to enter the water after high levels of e—coli were found. let's speak to our reporter pierre—antoine denis who is live for us in west london. hello to you. looking lovely and sunny behind you. and it is traditional, isn't it, that they get chucked in at the end, whoever wins. but perhaps not this year.— but perhaps not this year. perhaps not this year. _ but perhaps not this year. perhaps not this year, indeed. _ but perhaps not
peru's government called the raid an �*intolerable outrage'.ral hours at a nightclub. the man emerged from the venue in the town of ede, wearing a balaclava and can be seen here following police instructions to put his hands on his head. riot police and explosives experts had been deployed and the town centre evacuated. police say there's no indication of a terrorist motive. the oxford—cambridge boat race has been one of the world's best—known amateur sporting events since it first took...
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it's been a huge impoverishment associated with violence and huge profits because even in peru, rain forests are being cleared for drug cultivation. coca farm is on just enough to survive. well, international smugglers make millions, the rule of law is being undermined by corruption and other ones that are going to have a shared responsibility. countries that can see must cooperate with countries that produce because this is where the damage is done. the environmental destruction of the mud is supporting the customer. negotiations for security agreements also begin soon more education and training a planned and a great to exchange of information. the importance of information sharing was demonstrated to the anti drug police at the end of january. a tip of enables the team to seize over 7 tons of cocaine in the ports of calais. of the cocaine is embedded in wooden panels. the smugglers getting more, more creative and it's becoming harder to find and also limited. but i mean, it's a great satisfaction, not just for me, but for everyone who has worked with us. we're always off to the dr
it's been a huge impoverishment associated with violence and huge profits because even in peru, rain forests are being cleared for drug cultivation. coca farm is on just enough to survive. well, international smugglers make millions, the rule of law is being undermined by corruption and other ones that are going to have a shared responsibility. countries that can see must cooperate with countries that produce because this is where the damage is done. the environmental destruction of the mud is...
Mar 31, 2024
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peru's government described the raid as "disproportionate and unconstitutional".aff. pouria zeraati was attacked outside his home in south london. the iranian regime has denied any involvement in the attack, which is being investigated by counter—terrorism police. normally, they're the ones grilling washington power players. but the tables have been turned on the white house press corps. jounalists have been told to stop stealing souvenirs from air force one, the us president's official aircraft. kelly o'donnell of the white house correspondents' association told members that removing items from the plane was forbidden. she said it didn't cast journalists in a very good light. the pilfering was identified after an inventory was taken following a visit by president biden to the us west coast. but reports say taking souvenirs with an air force one logo, including drinks glasses, cutlery and towels, has been popularfor years. let's speak to misha komadovsky, who's a white house correspondent for voa and travel�*s regularly on the air force one. i feel like i should s
peru's government described the raid as "disproportionate and unconstitutional".aff. pouria zeraati was attacked outside his home in south london. the iranian regime has denied any involvement in the attack, which is being investigated by counter—terrorism police. normally, they're the ones grilling washington power players. but the tables have been turned on the white house press corps. jounalists have been told to stop stealing souvenirs from air force one, the us president's...
Mar 24, 2024
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condolences from turkey, hungary, argentina, peru, syria, burkina fasso, tajikistan, kazakhstan, uzbekistannorth korean leader kim jinneung sent a message to vladimir putin, expressing deep condolences. in mongolia, concerned citizens also come to the embassy and in european telegrams to the russian leader and from the president of countries, in the usa, in new york people bring flowers to our consulate. as a sign of solidarity with russia, mourning was declared today by nicaragua, the republic of serbian bosnia and herzegovina, and abkhazia. terrorist attack on crimea under the attack of ukrainian militants sevastopol, the target is civilian objects, there are no military personnel nearby. bass: one person died, four were injured, arrivals at residential buildings, office buildings , glass in high-rise buildings in the city center was broken from the shock wave, the air defense system was working, dozens of missiles were shot down. authorities called the attack the most massive in recent memory. and, as the rionovosti agency reports, citing its sources, our armed forces struck the martynov
condolences from turkey, hungary, argentina, peru, syria, burkina fasso, tajikistan, kazakhstan, uzbekistannorth korean leader kim jinneung sent a message to vladimir putin, expressing deep condolences. in mongolia, concerned citizens also come to the embassy and in european telegrams to the russian leader and from the president of countries, in the usa, in new york people bring flowers to our consulate. as a sign of solidarity with russia, mourning was declared today by nicaragua, the republic...
Mar 28, 2024
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le sigue el salvador con 19.5 chile y perÚ tienen 18.8, ahora, guatemala tiene 18.7 y nicaragua ocupauna entrevista a una cadena de arabia saudita. guillermo gonzÁlez nos cuenta lo que dijo el astro argentino en una de estas entrevistas que concede. reporte —— reportero: messi confieso de que siempre piensa en Él aporte que puede dar al equipo. >> siempre pienso que cuando ya no puede rendir y aportarle a mis compaÑeros como lo hacÍa antes pensarÍa en retirarme. reportero: dice que seguirÁ jugando siempre que 70 con la capacidad y las fuerzas para hacerlo. >> cuando yo sienta que es el momento para dar el paso, lo voy a dar sin pensar en la edad. reportero: salir del barcelona fue muy difÍcil y afirma que fue algo para lo que nos ha preparado. —— para lo que no estaba preparado. >> todavÍa no he pensado en un retiro, intento disfrutar el dÍa a dÍa sin pensar mÁs allÁ. reportero: sin decir hasta cuÁndo, seguirÁ jugando un tiempo mÁs, pero por ahora no sabe hhasta cuÁndo. y dijo que durante el tiempo libre pueda con sus hijos, me muchos deportes en televisiÓn que comparte con su familia
le sigue el salvador con 19.5 chile y perÚ tienen 18.8, ahora, guatemala tiene 18.7 y nicaragua ocupauna entrevista a una cadena de arabia saudita. guillermo gonzÁlez nos cuenta lo que dijo el astro argentino en una de estas entrevistas que concede. reporte —— reportero: messi confieso de que siempre piensa en Él aporte que puede dar al equipo. >> siempre pienso que cuando ya no puede rendir y aportarle a mis compaÑeros como lo hacÍa antes pensarÍa en retirarme. reportero: dice...
Mar 24, 2024
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condolences from china, turkey, hungary, argentina, peru, syria, burkina faso, tajikistan, kazakhstan and belarus. and the leader north korea's kimchen-un sent a message to vladimir putin. on behalf of the government of the people of the democratic people's republic of korea, as well as on my own behalf, i express to you, and through you, yours. mongolia expresses our deepest condolences to you and our friendly russian people for the death and injury of dozens of innocent civilians. mongolia resolutely opposes this brutal terrorist act and expresses eternal unanimity and sincere solidarity with the people of the russian federation in overcoming these difficult times. also concerned citizens come to embassies in european countries and the usa. in new york, people bring flowers to our consulate. and in serbia during a friendly match of football clubs. zenit and red star fans brought numerous posters of support for our country and painted the stands with the flags of russia and serbia. the entire stadium of thousands sang katyusha. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastry
condolences from china, turkey, hungary, argentina, peru, syria, burkina faso, tajikistan, kazakhstan and belarus. and the leader north korea's kimchen-un sent a message to vladimir putin. on behalf of the government of the people of the democratic people's republic of korea, as well as on my own behalf, i express to you, and through you, yours. mongolia expresses our deepest condolences to you and our friendly russian people for the death and injury of dozens of innocent civilians. mongolia...
Mar 3, 2024
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the preparations for peru were carried out by the cook, it was he who supervised the work of the cooks, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work. ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years. travels through our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, yes, the standard, mine probably isn’t, mine is too big , scary, for the first time it’s normal, you felt like a prisoner , probably now the soldiers should feel, come on, okay, let's go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children and wow, the children are happy to make it tell about the most colorful places in the country, it was unexpected, my mind wants to build some kind of film that people have already walked here, ran around all sorts of massacres, all sorts of epic stories, look at the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel . the process of making a microcircuit is influenced by everything, from air to materials, how a person wears makeup, very much a lot of resources are spen
the preparations for peru were carried out by the cook, it was he who supervised the work of the cooks, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work. ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years. travels through our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, yes, the standard, mine probably isn’t, mine is too big , scary, for the first time it’s normal, you felt like a prisoner , probably now the soldiers should...
Mar 10, 2024
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the preparations for peru were carried out by the cook, it was he who supervised the work of the cookss, yes, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work, an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, yes, there should be a standard, of course, mine probably doesn’t, mine is too big scary, for the first time it’s normal , you felt like a prisoner, probably now the soldiers should feel, come on, okay, let’s go to the tower, a model of our church, which is located with us. in the town - made by the hands of our children and the children made it with pleasure and talks about the most colorful places in the country, it was unexpected, my mind wants to build some kind of film, that people have already walked here, run through all sorts of wars, all sorts of epic history, watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel.
the preparations for peru were carried out by the cook, it was he who supervised the work of the cookss, yes, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work, an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, yes, there should be a standard, of course, mine probably doesn’t, mine is too big scary, for the first time it’s normal , you felt like a prisoner,...
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versus started to more ukraine as the world march international water day within 3000000 people in peru like access to drinking water in the capital, lima, which is the 2nd largest city in the world built on a desert. some 2000000 residents rely on water trucks and living homes without sewer connections as well. one of india is main opposition. politicians has appeared in court to fight his arrest on corruption charges. and this just weeks before national elections, arvin kane drywall is daley's chief minister, and he is part of the political alliance form to challenge prime minister and arrange promoting mister cage. we've all supporters have called his arrest politically motivated, then they turn down and protest anger. but not disbelieved. who would that is of good lead to one of the prime minister and none of the movies fee assessed? critics moody can't defeat arvin cajun about. that's why he was arrested blow from the data you i'd be sending. this is the motor of democracy. it's been going on for a while and nowadays arrested our leader and look at the timing of most of the guys ar
versus started to more ukraine as the world march international water day within 3000000 people in peru like access to drinking water in the capital, lima, which is the 2nd largest city in the world built on a desert. some 2000000 residents rely on water trucks and living homes without sewer connections as well. one of india is main opposition. politicians has appeared in court to fight his arrest on corruption charges. and this just weeks before national elections, arvin kane drywall is...
Mar 28, 2024
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le sigue el salvador con 19.5 chile y perÚ tienen 18.8, ahora, guatemala tiene 18.7 y nicaragua ocupaentrevista a una cadena de arabia saudita. guillermo gonzÁlez nos cuenta lo que dijo el astro argentino en una de estas entrevistas que concede. reporte —— reportero: messi confieso de que siempre piensa en Él aporte que puede dar al equipo. >> siempre pienso que cuando ya no puede rendir y aportarle a mis compaÑeros como lo hacÍa antes pensarÍa en retirarme. reportero: dice que seguirÁ jugando siempre que 70 con la capacidad y las fuerzas para hacerlo. >> cuando yo sienta que es el momento para dar el paso, lo voy a dar sin pensar en la edad. reportero: salir del barcelona fue muy difÍcil y afirma que fue algo para lo que nos ha preparado. —— para lo que no estaba preparado. >> todavÍa no he pensado en un retiro, intento disfrutar el dÍa a dÍa sin pensar mÁs allÁ. reportero: sin decir hasta cuÁndo, seguirÁ jugando un tiempo mÁs, pero por ahora no sabe hhasta cuÁndo. y dijo que durante el tiempo libre pueda con sus hijos, me muchos deportes en televisiÓn que comparte con su familia el
le sigue el salvador con 19.5 chile y perÚ tienen 18.8, ahora, guatemala tiene 18.7 y nicaragua ocupaentrevista a una cadena de arabia saudita. guillermo gonzÁlez nos cuenta lo que dijo el astro argentino en una de estas entrevistas que concede. reporte —— reportero: messi confieso de que siempre piensa en Él aporte que puede dar al equipo. >> siempre pienso que cuando ya no puede rendir y aportarle a mis compaÑeros como lo hacÍa antes pensarÍa en retirarme. reportero: dice que...
Mar 28, 2024
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abra bien los ojos para ver esto que pasó en perú.los ojos para poder ver a este avestruz macho que detuvo el tráfico en corea del sur tras escaparse de un zoológico. este martes, residentes se sorprendieron al ver el avestruz de 4 años llamado dory, atravesando las calles y de acuerdo a los oficiales, capturaron a dory con una red a una milla y media del zoológico, donde el ave pues volvió sano y salvo. no algo que ves todos los días. huffman te acuerdas? la película de alguien? no, no, no. bueno, de alguien que corre muy rápido. max corre, corre rápido como el avestruz. max, los deportes a paso seguro también. vamos a ver qué tenemos en los deportes. los warriors buscaban la victoria en orlando y al volver, les contamos cómo le fue a steph geary company. noticiero telemundo 48 siete días a la semana. primeros contigo refinar el chasis del tiguan tomó 138 versiones, pero también 3000 cafecitos y 15 peinados descuidados. el meticulosamente refinado chihuán. obtén 0% apr o un bono para clientes de 2000 en un nuevo chiu en 2024. en el e
abra bien los ojos para ver esto que pasó en perú.los ojos para poder ver a este avestruz macho que detuvo el tráfico en corea del sur tras escaparse de un zoológico. este martes, residentes se sorprendieron al ver el avestruz de 4 años llamado dory, atravesando las calles y de acuerdo a los oficiales, capturaron a dory con una red a una milla y media del zoológico, donde el ave pues volvió sano y salvo. no algo que ves todos los días. huffman te acuerdas? la película de alguien? no,...
Mar 7, 2024
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negotiations about the fate of this piece of land documents are important, canada, czechoslovakia, peru, guatemala, sweden and uruguay were the majority group of these negotiations. they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory, even if it was not victory itself. after all, "the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced, nation scattered all over the world, even half of the country was better than nothing, but the palestinians were against it, for them even losing 10% of their country meant failure, for this reason the minority group of the negotiations, namely india" yugoslavia and iran proposed a single country plan and holding a referendum. obviously, the jews after the illegal and forced migration that comprised 40% of the population in palestine, would be the losers of the plan. that's why our lobbies did something to abort the minority groups plan. the majority group won the negotiation game and finally split palestine through. resolution 181, on
negotiations about the fate of this piece of land documents are important, canada, czechoslovakia, peru, guatemala, sweden and uruguay were the majority group of these negotiations. they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory, even if it was not victory itself. after all, "the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced, nation scattered all over the...
Mar 7, 2024
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the netherlands, peru, guatemala, sweden and uruguay where the majority group of these negotiations, they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory, even if it was not victory itself, after all, the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world, even half of the country was better than nothing, but the palestinians were against it, for the... them even losing 10% of their country meant failure. for this reason, the minority group of the negotiations, namely india, yugoslavia and iran, proposed the single country plan and holding a referendum. obviously, the jews after the illegal and forced migration that comprised 40% of the population in palestine would be the losers of the plan. that's why our law. bies did something to abort the minority groups plan. the majority group won the negotiation game and finally split palestine through resolution 181, one for the jews and one for the arabs. afghanistan, no, argentina, a
the netherlands, peru, guatemala, sweden and uruguay where the majority group of these negotiations, they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory, even if it was not victory itself, after all, the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world, even half of the country was better than nothing, but the palestinians were against...
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and as the world marks international war today, over 3000000 people in peru, lack access to drinking water in the capital of lima, which is the 2nd largest city of the world's built on the desert. some 2000000 residents rely on was the trucks and live in homes without super connections or the us performing. the u. s. department of justice has sued tech giant apple. and that seeing that the company is maintaining an illegal monopoly on the smartphone lockets, and also to choose this apple of using anti competitive behavior to squeeze more money, also consume is, and has its rivals. apple denies the judge hodges and says it will defend itself or dozens of ranger refugees have been rescued off the coast of indonesia. local fishermen pulled the people to safety onto they both capsized the day and yeah, the group was sailing from bung with ash. with more than half a 1000000 ra, a hinge have been resettled through a hinge. our minority muslim ethnic group heavily persecuted indian law depot, hinge and refugees had been stuck at sea for more than a day until a search and rescue team found t
and as the world marks international war today, over 3000000 people in peru, lack access to drinking water in the capital of lima, which is the 2nd largest city of the world's built on the desert. some 2000000 residents rely on was the trucks and live in homes without super connections or the us performing. the u. s. department of justice has sued tech giant apple. and that seeing that the company is maintaining an illegal monopoly on the smartphone lockets, and also to choose this apple of...
Mar 12, 2024
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the cook was preparing for peru.ly men. yes. taught that the word democracy is the most wonderful word in the world regarding politics, words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words, ancient greek philosophers then said that if... compliance with those instructions that are given, including by the president, they are not just an invention the president himself, but you and i are working on many issues together and making decisions. this, in my understanding, is reasonable, sensible and righteous authoritarianism, this is very important for understanding the structure of power in belarus: author’s project by igor turay propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus 24. this year marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of belarus and it is no coincidence that we are visiting belarusian. state museum of the history of the great patriotic war, which also turns 80 this year. the phrase is probably known to many people, the feat of the people to live for centuries. i really want this phrase to be
the cook was preparing for peru.ly men. yes. taught that the word democracy is the most wonderful word in the world regarding politics, words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words, ancient greek philosophers then said that if... compliance with those instructions that are given, including by the president, they are not just an invention the president himself, but you and i are working on many issues together and making decisions. this, in my understanding, is...
Mar 21, 2024
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estar libia eliminarÁ notas que no son rentables, la lÍnea elimina sus vuelos a bogotÁ colombia, lima perÚa visiÓn y aprobar un examen de conocimientos como por bienes conducir es como aislarlos la sociedad. >> en temas electorales de la propuesta una aprobada por los mutantes en california, emitiendo un bono de $100,400,000,000 para apoyar el tratamiento. >> miles de californianos siguen, sus dedos afectados tendrÁ un paquete de informaciÓn con paquete de informaciÓn como los pasos a sentir y la ayuda econÓmica que puede recibir para lucir supremo mensual, tiene un mes para decidir quÉ hacer con su plan de salud, toma el tiempo para hacerlo. >> nuestra persona fran transfirieron cambiar sus ingresos o nÚmero de personas que viven en su caso, es importante que se comunican y se vuelvan a escribir algo plan de salud. >> hay que estar atento que ciertos requisitos que deben cumplir, si la persona de cuadros gana mÁs de $40,000 al aÑo serÁn transferidos como grabas informaciÓn ahÍ tienen un gran batalla. >> hablando de salud del condado de alameda una posible exposiciÓn de sarampiÓn en san le
estar libia eliminarÁ notas que no son rentables, la lÍnea elimina sus vuelos a bogotÁ colombia, lima perÚa visiÓn y aprobar un examen de conocimientos como por bienes conducir es como aislarlos la sociedad. >> en temas electorales de la propuesta una aprobada por los mutantes en california, emitiendo un bono de $100,400,000,000 para apoyar el tratamiento. >> miles de californianos siguen, sus dedos afectados tendrÁ un paquete de informaciÓn con paquete de informaciÓn como...
Mar 7, 2024
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turkia, the netherlands, peru, guatemala, sweden and uruguay were the majority group of these negotiations, they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory even if it was not victory itself. because it is. after all, the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world, even half of the country was better than nothing, but the palestinians were against it, for them even losing 10% of their country meant failure. for this reason, the minority group of the negotiator. namely india, yugoslavia and iran proposed the single country plan and holding a referendum. obviously, the jews after the illegal and forced migration that comprised 40% of the population in palestine would be the losers of the plan. that's why our lobbies did something to abort the minority groups plan. the majority group won the negotiation game and finally. plate palestine through resolution 181, one for the jews and one for the arabs, afghanistan, no, argentin
turkia, the netherlands, peru, guatemala, sweden and uruguay were the majority group of these negotiations, they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory even if it was not victory itself. because it is. after all, the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world, even half of the country was better than nothing, but the...
Mar 7, 2024
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entered into negotiations about the fate of this piece of land, canada, czechoslovakia, the netherlands, peru. they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory even if it was not victory itself. after all, the arabs were all already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world, even half of the country was better than nothing, but the palestinians were against it, for them even losing 10% of their country meant failure, for this reason the minority group of the negotiations, namely india, yugoslavia, and iran proposed the single country plan and holding a referendum. obviously, the jews after the illegal and forced migration that comprised 40% of the population in palestine, would be the losers of the plan. that's why our lobbies did something to abort the minority groups plan. the majority group won the negotiation game and finally split palestine through resolution 1. made one, one for the jews and one for the arabs, afghanistan, no, argentina
entered into negotiations about the fate of this piece of land, canada, czechoslovakia, the netherlands, peru. they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory even if it was not victory itself. after all, the arabs were all already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world, even half of the country was better than nothing, but the palestinians...
Mar 7, 2024
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canada, czechoslovakia, the netherlands, peru, guatemala, sweden and uruguay were the majority group of these negotiations. they had proposed the plan to divide palestine. into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory even if it was not victory itself. after all, the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere. they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world. even half of the country was... better than nothing, but the palestinians were against it, for them even losing 10% of their country meant failure. for this reason, the minority group of the negotiations, namely india, yugoslavia and iran proposed the single country plan and holding a referendum. obviously, the jews after the illegal and forced migration that comprised 40% of the population. palestine would be the losers of the plan. that's why our lobbies did something to abort the minority groups plan. the majority group won the negotiation game and finally split palestine through resolution 181, one for the jews and one for the arabs. afghanistan, no
canada, czechoslovakia, the netherlands, peru, guatemala, sweden and uruguay were the majority group of these negotiations. they had proposed the plan to divide palestine. into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory even if it was not victory itself. after all, the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere. they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world. even half of the country was... better than nothing, but the...
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so this is a difficult situation, and biden seems not to be handling it very well. police in peru have rated the home of president dina, but what day and a corruption problem that's being deb rolex gate. prosecutors were searching for luxury watches that they suspect were obtained illicitly by the watches. government has condemned to the rate for the watch. i called it arbitrary and abusive and said she want resign. breaking into the president's home. in an unprecedented operation, carried out by peruvian police and prosecutors. the novel worthies, private residents was swarming with agents, searching for rolex watches, as they're investigating possible corruption. after news outlets published pictures of her wearing luxury watches, which allegedly had not declared when the reports 1st came out. but we already made the following statement. let's put them it fee. i promise my hands were clean and i know when i entered through the front door on december 7th, 2022, whatever. then you may and i will leave with my hands clean through the same door on july 28th. 20. 26. seem pretty, seem pre
so this is a difficult situation, and biden seems not to be handling it very well. police in peru have rated the home of president dina, but what day and a corruption problem that's being deb rolex gate. prosecutors were searching for luxury watches that they suspect were obtained illicitly by the watches. government has condemned to the rate for the watch. i called it arbitrary and abusive and said she want resign. breaking into the president's home. in an unprecedented operation, carried out...
Mar 11, 2024
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the cook was preparing for peru.ised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. yes, why? the song of the iradzim remains, everything can change, the forests are not fallen, you will not know the smoke of spring, the rain will be clear, only this will not be an hour, there will be an eternal life, as well as life, the bright people's words. significant budze song, budze song, irojima to live. in june 1943 , a letter with, at first glance, strange content, landed on the desk of alfred rosenberg, reich minister for the eastern occupied territories. its name also looked strange, about the illegality of the methods used during anti-partisan operations. it was for signed by gautleiter wilhelm kube, in it he asked to weaken punitive measures against the population of the district entrusted to him. partisan detachments of the borisov-begomil zone. urgently to the location of the partisan unit, not far from lake palik. there was the commissar of the kirov partisan detachment, ivan germanov, and with him was the family m
the cook was preparing for peru.ised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. yes, why? the song of the iradzim remains, everything can change, the forests are not fallen, you will not know the smoke of spring, the rain will be clear, only this will not be an hour, there will be an eternal life, as well as life, the bright people's words. significant budze song, budze song, irojima to live. in june 1943 , a letter with, at first glance, strange content, landed on the desk of alfred...
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it's been a huge impoverishment associated with violence and huge prophets given in peru, rain forests of being cleared for drug cultivation. coco farm is on just enough to survive. well, international smugglers make millions. the rule of law is being undermined by corruption and other ones that are going to have a shared responsibility. countries that can see must cooperate with countries that produce because this is where the damage is done, the environmental destruction and the mud is supporting the customer. negotiations for security agreements also begin soon more education and training a planned and a great to exchange of information. the importance of information sharing was demonstrated to the anti drug police at the end of january. a tip also enables the team to seize over 7 tons of cocaine in the ports of calais. of the cocaine is imbedded in wooden panels. the smugglers getting more more creative and it's becoming harder to find a limited but i mean, oh is it was, it's a great satisfaction, not just for me, but for everyone who has worked with us. we're always off to the dru
it's been a huge impoverishment associated with violence and huge prophets given in peru, rain forests of being cleared for drug cultivation. coco farm is on just enough to survive. well, international smugglers make millions. the rule of law is being undermined by corruption and other ones that are going to have a shared responsibility. countries that can see must cooperate with countries that produce because this is where the damage is done, the environmental destruction and the mud is...
Mar 6, 2024
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and my name is olga, it’s very nice , the preparation for peru was done by the cook, yeah, it was heho supervised the work of the cooks, the cooks were only men, yes, yes, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work, the ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels in our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it is a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, but there should be a standard, of course. probably not, i have too much fear, it’s normal for the first time, you felt like a prisoner, probably now you should feel like a warrior, come on, okay, let's go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children and wow, what are you going to do, he talks with pleasure about the most colorful places in the country , it was unexpected, my mind wants to build some kind of film that people have already walked here. ran through all sorts of wars of all sorts of epic history, look at the belaya rossa travel project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the club of editors must take this seriously kind
and my name is olga, it’s very nice , the preparation for peru was done by the cook, yeah, it was heho supervised the work of the cooks, the cooks were only men, yes, yes, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work, the ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels in our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it is a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, but there should be a standard, of course. probably not, i have too much fear, it’s normal...
Mar 21, 2024
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what’s your name, and my name is olga, it’s very nice, the cook was in charge of the preparations in peru was he who led the work on... we will introduce you to the belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our company is a very unique enterprise in its own way. we are the only enterprise in the country that operates on a full cycle. we need to start this with the thread, so that there is quality of the thread. this is a collection classicism, baroque and various of these trends. these people passed it on from generation to generation. you are on a par with men, each has their own unique story, my father advised me to go to study as a psychologist, a practical psychologist, because he said that from his practice, most people deal with family issues, when i try to analyze why i am so open , and i have so much, so much love , attention to other people, what my parents invested in me. see the project belarusians on tv channel belarus 24. president of belarus alexander lukashenko signed a decree that consolidates the status of the belarusian cosmonaut, namely his right
what’s your name, and my name is olga, it’s very nice, the cook was in charge of the preparations in peru was he who led the work on... we will introduce you to the belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our company is a very unique enterprise in its own way. we are the only enterprise in the country that operates on a full cycle. we need to start this with the thread, so that there is quality of the thread. this is a collection classicism, baroque and various of...
Mar 19, 2024
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los ladrones vienen con visas de turista de chile, ecuador, colombia perÚ con la mira de robar casasstante dinero y joyas, nos dijo. este delito se extiende y hay quienes se lamentan. maity: otro criminal de alto rango llegÓ al paÍs por la frontera, sino pasar como solicitante de asilo. se trata del lÍder de los satanÁs, otra banda criminal venezolana, que trabaje en complicidad con el sanguinario grupo. guillermo nos tiene mÁs. guillermo: la temible banda criminal venezolana denominada " el tren de aragua", no es la Única organizaciÓn asesina que tiene presencia los estados unidos. las autoridades colombianas confirmaron que uno de los jefes de otra banda llamada los satanÁs, fue arrestado en texas el 13 de marzo pasado. despuÉs de cruzar ilegalmente la frontera, entregar informaciÓn falsa, y mentir a solicitar asilo polÍtico, argumentando que era vÍctima de la violencia en venezuela. >> la captura de satanÁs, 18 integrantes, donde determine toma la decisiÓn de huir de colombia a estados unidos. guillermo: escapÓ de la presiÓn ejercida en su contra por la policÍa colombiana, que lo
los ladrones vienen con visas de turista de chile, ecuador, colombia perÚ con la mira de robar casasstante dinero y joyas, nos dijo. este delito se extiende y hay quienes se lamentan. maity: otro criminal de alto rango llegÓ al paÍs por la frontera, sino pasar como solicitante de asilo. se trata del lÍder de los satanÁs, otra banda criminal venezolana, que trabaje en complicidad con el sanguinario grupo. guillermo nos tiene mÁs. guillermo: la temible banda criminal venezolana denominada...
Mar 26, 2024
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be sure to go to the museum of the great patriotic war, and we’ll be with you a little let's move to perureturned, these are 45 well-preserved artifacts and more than 400 fragments of ceramic products, among them cavors, vessels, amulets, previously they were stored in museums in germany, the usa, italy, the netherlands, portugal and switzerland, some of the artifacts were part of... john rowe, who conducted extensive research in peru, especially meticulously, he studied the inca civilization. urou kept several thousand fragments of various items; the collection was inherited by his daughter, who handed it over to the peruvian authorities. now all the exhibits are on display at the peruvian ministry of culture. over the past 2 years, authorities have been able to return more than 500 artifacts to the country. and rightly so, my daughter did what she returned, because such cultural values must belong. where they actually appeared, yes, i look at all these photographs, videos, i’m surprised, after so many centuries things are simply in perfect condition, it’s how it was possible that ever
be sure to go to the museum of the great patriotic war, and we’ll be with you a little let's move to perureturned, these are 45 well-preserved artifacts and more than 400 fragments of ceramic products, among them cavors, vessels, amulets, previously they were stored in museums in germany, the usa, italy, the netherlands, portugal and switzerland, some of the artifacts were part of... john rowe, who conducted extensive research in peru, especially meticulously, he studied the inca...