there were also interviews conducted of peter bacanovic.he key fact about peter bacanovic is that in addition to being a social friend of both martha stewart and sam waksal, he was their stockbroker. on december the 27th, peter bacanovic is on vacation in florida. and so all of these trades are being placed through his very young assistant, doug faneuil, who i think is roughly 24 years old at the time. [phones ringing] so there was this flurry where doug faneuil had more than six phone calls with peter bacanovic right as the market opened. bacanovic understands the import of waksal trying to dump all of his stock on the eve of this fda decision. and without missing a beat, bacanovic says, oh my god, get martha on the phone. [airplane engine roaring] she was on her way to a resort in mexico. the plane stopped in texas to refuel. and at that point, martha stewart got the message. she called in to doug faneuil. she says, what's going on with imclone? faneuil says, well, sam waksal is trying to sell all of his stock. peter thought you might wan