find out what poplavsky conveyed over the phone, i won’t return from there, okay, first you’ll get to petrogradskayale of years ago, i remember this one, but now he doesn’t..." list all the collectors of musical instruments? what are you doing, how are you force him? will you force? well, how am i? i don’t know, what do you want? honorary businessman. yes, yes, yes, of course, hello, hello, men, you can’t take pictures here, you can’t hear me, stop it, what is this, i ’ll call the police now, but they’re late, and i’m already here, zanevsky rvd. close your shop, you have stolen things, like stolen things, close it, close it, do you want to hang yourself without obeying the authorities, close it, excuse me, please, we are closing, could you come by tomorrow, yes, yes, of course, sorry, this is a very expensive thing, don’t worry, we’ll pay for everything, you close it, close it. through the growing of us, we are together, beloved behind her through the nature , our only country. on june 12, on rtr, they say, they wanted to see me, not like you, you will receive half a ruble a month, you will work, i