but in principle he didn’t become a drunkard, in mikhailovskoye we remember his great-uncle, there in petrovskoyea cane, i don’t know, it’s iron stick rather. of all, pushkin appeared in chisinau, because his first memories of her were there, and many, well, his acquaintances, they remember that he loved, so to speak, to walk around chisinau, with this stick, our friend leprandi wrote that pushkin first walked around with pistols, again, the crime situation was purely for protection, and then he got himself this stick and walked around with it to defend himself, he wrote to us that... the stick weighs 18 pounds, that is, 8 kg 165 g, and so, in fact, this is it weighs, here we can also add that since at that time there were quite a lot of dogs, which, naturally, could seriously attack any stranger, sometimes the cane was used for its intended purpose, to fight off dogs, but pushkin, as you remember, had another one. task, he threw this cane and caught it, when they asked him why he was doing this, he said that he was training his hand so that in a duel he could hold the gun very firmly and not mak