please, petushenko.ovich, your order to build a road to kazan has been fulfilled. 810 km of illuminated highway, not a single traffic light, not a single intersection at the same level. 323 artificial structures, with a total length of 24.5 km. we have the most powerful builders gathered here, and this is just the setup period. you know about this, 30,000 builders worked, but these are also producers of crushed stone, these are metal producers, these are network workers who worked simply superbly on this route, but we built not only a road, we built infrastructure service, today 18 are already open, today every 93 km, you can stop by, refuel, or have a snack. one of the pearls that we have at kilometer 173, a simply magnificent gas station, all this work could only be done together, thank you, the government of the russian federation, because we felt that, in fact, the concerns about the construction had been resolved ahead of time, thank you very much to all networkers, without a doubt, this is to my co