poladgar who to point out correctly, we need a path to be designed to increase national confidence in investment. this path must be designed and approved . who should design this path? look , the government must design this, the private sector must help , and god willing, it will be approved in the parliament. if we do not do this, you as the private sector have a proposal to the parliament government to form a working group that will develop a path for the development of production. do you understand that we do not have a road map? yes, look, we must be able to approve the path of industrial development within the next 6 months. if this does not happen in these 6 months , the country will definitely fall behind. we had the 6th or now the 7th plan, no , you see, in the 7th plan, only the government is required to present the industrial development route within 6 months. this should definitely be done in relation to the discussion of guiding large-scale domestic companies in the direction of increasing competitiveness and globalization and being on the path of the global value chain. c