pavla, grodno is hosting a festival of national cultures, well, now we’re moving to pruzhany and todaye cultural and sports festival. as a result, even before noon, a large delegation led by the head of the national olympic committee, the minister of sports and tourism of belarus, the leadership of the region visited the city’s sports facilities, a children’s and youth sports school, water ice palaces, well, right now we are returning to the main location of the festival, the mukhovets stadium. our film crew is working there, alexander yakubovsky, connections, sasha, i welcome what is happening in the festival arena at these moments. welcome! studio day, very soon, the start of the sports and historical quest. more than 15 teams - that's about 100 participants - gathered to go to an interesting hike. and we have already talked with the event organizer, right now we are next to the organizer of the sports and historical quest, apanchuk natalya valerievna. natalya valerievna, tell me, what is the highlight of today’s event? well, actually, the highlight, the highlight of the event is evi