initially, it was located in the city of poloska, and was called the belarusian seminary. after 1839,as renamed the polozhsky theological seminary in 1917, revolutionary troops occupied the seminary building, naturally the previous owners had to leave it, that ’s why the last graduation, which took place in 1918, took place outside the walls of the seminary, well therefore, after this , the seminary carried out its activities... until the end of the 20th century, until social changes occurred, let’s say, in society and the state, then in 2011 the holy synod of the russian orthodox church made a decision to revive the vitebsk theological seminary on the basis of the pastoral department of the vitezh theological school, now in addition to the full-time pastoral department we have a pastoral correspondence department, well, in connection with because for many years... both the team and the people have been developed, then we have an evening theological and pedagogical department, where lay people study, well, the system of theological education is an established structure, it there is no