potapkin, they plan to set a new world record, to reach the north pole on a motorized paraglider.an incredible expedition. reach the north pole on a password, who else could set such a task except fyodor konyukhov. he will be accompanied by igor potapkin, winner of all the trophies in the world of motor-paragliding competitions. for what? extreme sports enthusiasts are probably already tired of answering this question, but there are answers. famous traveler. sets off on a journey to see clean snow again, i was walking through the forest in antarctica, there is dust, there are mountains, and this wind blows everything away, and so you can see from the snow when, well, in good weather, well, in gorlandi, of course, there too mountains, they blowing off the dust, whoever was not a gray pulec, it means he has not seen pure snow, it will be very interesting and unusual, for example, i often fly over the continents. our vast homeland is big, the arctic beckons in its own way, with its magic, when there are no roads for thousands of kilometers, no civilization, this is a challenge in its