presler enterprises and other productions have already conducted more than 130 excursions, this is veryortant, they are in such great demand, this is a good motivation for the guys, the republic is also actively participating in the federal project professionalism, there is an exemplary well-established interaction between schools, colleges, mechanical engineering enterprises, the chemical industry, pedagogy, tourism, service industries, agriculture, and of course our defense factories, meetings. a school, which means a full-fledged stadium, a site for passing the gto, a smaller middle one, and accordingly, there are small forms, and for urban rural ones, but most importantly, within the framework of this, we are also solving the issues of the anti-terrorist external perimeter to ensure proper physical development children, thanks to this approach, we have already improved 59 territories out of these 105 during this time, this year we will improve 39 more, and then we will accordingly talk about... video studios, they participate in the life of the republic with great interest and make