prospekt masherava, geta footage from the general pragon to the theater episode, like 3 years ago, starting parade. cab no perashkadzhat rukhu and the pace of garad life in the centers of the capital, general repetitsy prakhodzyatsya knowledge of the evenings. rukh on praspektse masherava partly ammyazhoўvayutsya, and this way becomes a safe scene for theatrical performance. pakul beskasciumaў, partly from the requirements of the report and the skin of your carcinoma. madonna's ladies are jumping, great murals, all little ones of different themes. anastasia sludskaya, zhuraule, panorama of the city and the belarusian casmana. we have all seen the brightest quotes from conquered lands and natures. i wanted to make social advertising so that it would be remembered for a long time. kosberg is a native of the city of slutsk, who was the designer of the rocket engines that took the first cosmonaut to acrospace karbit, so we considered that at the intersection of the two streets. moorings for rafting. yago works and patches fund belarusian graphics minulaga stagodzia. exhibition of the 17th momen