khabarovsk belarus, many of our countrymen live there , even entire villages, flights, petrovichi and prutkiity was created in order to quickly resolve issues fellow countrymen, keep... in touch with the homeland, and also organize some events, hold holidays, meetings, but there is a request to learn more about belarus, different belarus, historical, modern, sovereign, here is a proposal from the regional library, attention for those who feel the frame and are friends with the photo, every year we do a huge festival of the national language, national languages, native language, the soul of the people, and we invite ethnic belarusians, things like the actual presentation of that whole series of evidence play a big role, yes , that this ethnic group was, is and still exists, how beautiful it is, how diverse it is, what depth, what culture, what traditions, we would like, these are photographic images of people in national costumes, huts and... the interior of these huts, yes, villages, settlements, 5 years ago, a center for reference information of belarus was opened in the far eastern state s