please tell me , was the negotiation with the quraysh bad? did the prophet's dignity ever decrease? the prophet not take the sword and draw the sword? was it against politics? no, against god's order. not at all, but what was important was respect in conversation and firmness in standing your ground, it makes a person, even if in a negotiation and a community plan , the enemy may not fulfill his covenant, but it deepens monotheism and standing and perseverance in the people of faith . the end of the prophet signed the contract, suhail bin umar signed the contract, but it was invalid. he is usually not faithful to his covenant. but you can't beat bigodar. without to experience the public opinion, put it aside. sir, they have historical experience, society should understand. when they broke the agreement, almighty god sent a message to his prophet. a prophet who was the owner of greatness. when the messenger of god saw that the quraish broke the treaty and put the bani khaza through the sword , the messenger of god decided to deal with the quraish's breach of the treaty because if thi