coming up, his buddy know randy houser will join him onnige sta. we're lucky it stopped raining.s pouring in new york city. >> lawrence: what are we going to do with our fridays? it is gone, over. >> rachel: you'll have to sing. >> brian: so long to summer. >> lawrence: i stay in my lane, more people should stay in their lane. if you can't do it, stay out. >> steve: that makes summer great, we have summer concert series performers and mclemores are here and make a great barbecue brunch for everybody that shows up. >> rachel: we'll have them tomorrow on the weekend. you are not the only ones. >> lawrence: we have news today, kamala harris gives first official interview as democratic nominee promising a new way forward. watch. >> one of my highest priorities, do what we can to support and strengthen the middle class. when i look at the aspirations, goals, ambitions of the american people, i think that people are ready for a new way forward. day one is going to be about one, implementing our plan for economy, i laid out number of proposals in that regard. >> rachel: harris struggled