suddenly get into an accident, then why at your own peril and risk, well, you don’t have insurance, rassimility to others, and not to himself, but the taxi driver only cares about his car, who will answer and how, if an accident happens , people will get hurt, it doesn’t matter to rasim, oops, oopana! during night raids , traffic police officers also identify other serious offenses; often drunk drivers are caught behind the wheel of a taxi, but how can one go to work in a taxi without earning money, i’m not one of our people behind the wheel. during raids, state traffic inspectors identify a huge number of taxi drivers who drive with violations. the main condition of the driver, but technical i would also like to sharpen the inspection here, because... vehicles pass during transportation activities, if it is a vehicle under 5 years old, they pass every year, if more, then twice a year, that is, responsibility for the technical condition has already been increased, then, as for drivers, the state of the charge, here of course , cases are not frequent, uh, but such cases, unfortunately, do h