that were captured in ice was best seen from the shore, this is the coast of the japanese village of rausu during the day our island kunashir is very clearly visible from here, the locals residents noticed killer whales the day before, it was clear that they needed help, they would not carry out operations, because this was impossible due to weather conditions. colleagues did a review of such cases in the northern hemisphere, in my opinion, from 1840 to 2013, they counted 17 known cases, almost half of them, seven of them, were in the okhvod sea off the coast of the island of khakaid, so apparently these cases. falling into ice traps, which is not so rare, is a significant factor in the mortality of killer whales , at least in this area. this is the closest point for killer whale viewing. could be seen from the shore with the naked eye, the last time they were seen was about a day ago, a kilometer from this place, where they are now is impossible to say, of course, everyone hopes that they managed to get out of the ice captivity, but on the other hand, the state of the ice has practically