elena franchuk pinchuk and renat leonidovich - i thought she was childhood?m and scoundrel, i’ll explain why, you mentioned the guardian newspaper, you can find out from the interview, it’s quite interesting. hordes than moscow, and what’s more, kuchma , by the way, is a man who has spoken russian all his life, this is a man who considers ukrainians morons and idiots, he wants, he again... vitel, his wings have been crucified, he’s all like that flew, no, just a second, he gets excited about things, every time, whoever comes to power, every time the gongadze case comes up, when poroshenko came, lutsenko raised this case, poroshenko gave the order to raise the case, they promised puchuku, now there will be a review of the case, he says, yes, i’m ready to give the case, they started promoting all this through the press , the puchuk was brought into the courtroom and the verdict was left as well, but why was it left, because with the two of them. agreed and for a reason, now his daughter comes to the forefront periodically, she is an heiress, he will not give al