joining us now, rob d'amico, former fbi supervisor and member of fbi's rescue hostage team, and founderith us. rob, trump had this to say about the whole situation. >> thank you very much, everybody. >> this is a witch hunt. this is a hoax. thank you. >> okay. does it seem, rob, for all his complaints, witch hunt, hoax, the kind of words we have heard a lot from him, that a lot of things are going his way? >> they are, but i think the courts looked at it and probably realized the complexity of a bond like that, and looked at it and said, hey, i don't think anyone wants the drama of what people are anticipating should this happen. so i don't think it was, like, an escape, but it definitely put it off a little bit and gives more people time to think on how they're going to do things. >> it can appear to every day people, and certainly people who don't like donald trump, that he's getting some sort of special treatment. is he? >> i think he is. i mean, he's not getting treated like every other defendant. he's catching some lucky breaks here. i think just this weekend he was talking about h