rosa lvoovna, a citizen brought you a painting for evaluation.ed, no one will use his work familiar. would you like me to read you some more poetry? true, i’m still a reader. okmez glume umanbelshtam and akhmatova is distinguished by sensuality, he is without metaphors. they described only the spiritual world. politics is alien to him. social themes, because that’s why the poems of okmieism are so easily perceived, because they wrote about complex things very simply, i didn’t even guess, i just read and absorbed it in myself, well, to understand the poems, all this knows absolutely nothing, you just need to have a taste, well here we actually came, tell me why you wanted to sell this painting, why did you need money? family circumstances, thank you for an interesting evening, goodbye, goodbye, confused. and how many of them are there, 50, moscow, part of leningrad and permiki were the first to work, i sent these pictures to yerevan, sochi also fought, the victims did not identify anyone, we will go to marchenko, we will show her, and how, by the