this is how ruslan alekhno , a belarusian artist, perceives me, and i’m really proud of it, i’ve nevernd of artist i am, the question is for the viewer, how he perceives me, but in my heart i answered you this question , do you think, love for the motherland is important for a person, this is the concept of patriotism... to stand in its defense, do honest work and conscientiously in one’s place, for me , patriotic people are, you know, those who, for example, have cons turns problems into advantages opportunities, that is, we need real people, with real actions, even within the national scale, and it is very important that you see this. have you ever suffered from star fever? you know, and with regards to star fever, in general, you know, it’s such a different view of the world, that’s what i think, yes, that is, why, if you have a famous face, are you recognizable in some way, why do you think that at the snap of a finger everything should be given to you, as it were, yes, this is... also a dangerous story, this is a game with exactly the final losing, because there is a world around