bortnik.s critical here. i'm sure we are. there are many historical examples, for example, south vietnam, in the war with north vietnam, in which aid packages were simply delayed, and this country lost its war with the support of the united states, because time is extremely important here, you need to talk to the republicans, we need to talk to the european commission about 50 billion. because if we don’t get it. the art of war is very difficult to deceive and the ratio of the strength of means relative to an offensive without air superiority without normal support. raskovievka, february 24 - berkhovka , february 25 - yagodnaya, march 8 - the eastern part of bakhmud, artyomovskaya, ninth - dubovo-vasilevka, 15 - zaleznyanskaya, april 2 - the russian flag in the center of artyomovsk, may 20 bakhmud, and after that we continued, it was only after that they continued, it was only one direction, well, let me remind you about marinka , i’ll remind you about many, well, well, well, well, tell me. an