but one more question remained: who actually owned rusy lockon in the capsule directly under the image. and in 2015, i contacted the institute of genetics, russian academy of sciences, they took samples of three hairs during... archaeological expeditions in different parts russian federation and in the south in the north and in the west and in the east, they bring a large amount of archaeological material, this gives us the opportunity, as they say, to immediately analyze these monuments in order to trace various important things, including for archaeologists, these objects from the oglakhty burial ground, it... is located on the territory of modern khakassia, not far from the capital of the republic, the city of abakan. the ancient archaeological site was discovered in 1902, and a year later the first excavations began, and here on the table are just some of those very early finds: the right leg of a teenager, samples were also taken from him to understand what age it is, whether it is a girl or a boy, in addition, here... and braids are also presented, but we do not know whether this