how many , for example, did we have in saldi?act number of banks, but i know that there are cases in which their cases have been raised in the disciplinary board. there have been cases in which, in spite of numerous warnings , they did not correct their own practice , and the likes of this practice will continue, so yes, it will continue with the strength of the approach. it was 1996 95 96. we had an approach to finance the hard work of sanaya pishran , in cooperation with the ministry of employment and the ministry of youth , we visited their homes. guys, here we are we said, "if you don't have money, go and do it. yes, i will come to buy fish , and so-and-so will buy clothes and shoes. or, for example, this group of khargarans, this year , will provide for poor families in their neighborhood. they introduce and these clients say here everything they need, clothes , bags, shoes, like a grocery store, they choose a beautiful one, everyone wears whatever they like , they go to the room, they choose and take it, in this plan , we n