Dec 23, 2023
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diego california.equipo especializado del rescatistas arriba del de san bernardino y desde abajo taladrado n el eedquipo especializado de rescatistas arribÓ desde examen latino, california y de trabajo talaron algunas peras y lograron liberar primero sus piernas. cualquier persona es inmensa situaciÓn estÁ desesperado de estar ahÍ tanto tiempo. pero tras 18 de rescate y 150 personas el hombre pudo ver la luz esta maÑana y lo sacaron y lo levantaron en camilla y aÚn conmocionado, su rostro aÚn asÍ era de felicidad. el jefe de operaciones de bomberos dijo que el hombre tenÍa heridas en su abdomen y piernas por la presiÓn de la roca, asegurÓ que no saben cÓmo ni con quÉ objetivo terminÓ diÍ tenÍa heridas en su abdomen y piernas por la presiÓn de las rocas, seguro que no saben cÓmo ni con quÉ objetivo terminÓ ahÍ y que fue un milagro que los jÓvenes lo escucharon. y llamaron a emergencias hicieron un buen trabajoy h hicieron bien lo que tenÍa que hacer. el departamento de bomberos asegurÓ que en 25 aÑos no
diego california.equipo especializado del rescatistas arriba del de san bernardino y desde abajo taladrado n el eedquipo especializado de rescatistas arribÓ desde examen latino, california y de trabajo talaron algunas peras y lograron liberar primero sus piernas. cualquier persona es inmensa situaciÓn estÁ desesperado de estar ahÍ tanto tiempo. pero tras 18 de rescate y 150 personas el hombre pudo ver la luz esta maÑana y lo sacaron y lo levantaron en camilla y aÚn conmocionado, su rostro...
Dec 21, 2023
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. >> en el aeropuerto interregional de san diego california los migrantes no dejan de llegar.ente de cuba, de venezuela. >> el aeropuerto terrestre de san diego confirmÓ que desde el aÑo pasado han visto un incremento en el nÚmero de migrantes que llegan y muchos no estÁn familiarizados con el proceso. por eso organizaciones los orientan y los ayudan a llegar a las puertas de embarque. y tambiÉn tienen una zona para vÍveres. >> en muchos casos la gente viene solo con la ropa que tiene puesta. >> ya construido de cuatro aÑos para reunirse con su esposo en new york. >> un regalo de navidad para nosotros. la oportunidad de estar allÁ con Él. >> es un proveedor que viaja con su mamÁ por un motivo especial. >> para ver a mi papÁ.eq que vi mamÁ por un motivo especial. Ño que viaja con su mamÁ por un motivo especial. >> para ver a mi papÁ. >> muchos aÑos. >> muchos consensos boletos por medio de familiares, otros esperan que alguien es extienda la mano. el aeropuerto de san diego dice que va a trabajar de manera conjunta con organizaciones locales para asegurarse de que estos migrant
. >> en el aeropuerto interregional de san diego california los migrantes no dejan de llegar.ente de cuba, de venezuela. >> el aeropuerto terrestre de san diego confirmÓ que desde el aÑo pasado han visto un incremento en el nÚmero de migrantes que llegan y muchos no estÁn familiarizados con el proceso. por eso organizaciones los orientan y los ayudan a llegar a las puertas de embarque. y tambiÉn tienen una zona para vÍveres. >> en muchos casos la gente viene solo con la...
Dec 10, 2023
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diego california no aplica la eutanasia por estancias prolongadas o de falta de espacio simplementeidentes tendrÁn que repartirse un botÍn de 395 millones cada uno recibirÁ mÁs de 197 millones del medio millÓn porque los dos coincidieron con los seis nÚmeros del sorteo del viernes por la noche lo mÁs curioso es que ambos tambiÉn compraron el boleto en el mismo lugar una gasolinera ubicada al sur de california >> y un grupo de mujeres en el salvador estÁ usando las bicicletas para ayudar al medio ambiente aprenden a reparar las pues dicen sin este mÉtodo transportÓ su vida no es igual >> (mÚsica( por este grupo de mujeres al norte de san salvador la bicicleta se convirtiÓ su principal medio de transporte >> en la brisa se siente rico >> muchas incluso han recibido clases para repararlas y ahora trabajan en su propio taller de bicicletas >> y se han dado la tarea de promover su uso en las escuelas tuvo como parte del programa sin bicicletas ni planeta >> es mÁs fÁcil porque ellos aprenden mÁs rÁpido que uno >> los esfuerzos de estas mujeres estÁn dando sus frutos ya que cada vez mÁs p
diego california no aplica la eutanasia por estancias prolongadas o de falta de espacio simplementeidentes tendrÁn que repartirse un botÍn de 395 millones cada uno recibirÁ mÁs de 197 millones del medio millÓn porque los dos coincidieron con los seis nÚmeros del sorteo del viernes por la noche lo mÁs curioso es que ambos tambiÉn compraron el boleto en el mismo lugar una gasolinera ubicada al sur de california >> y un grupo de mujeres en el salvador estÁ usando las bicicletas para...
Dec 23, 2023
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diego california's jamal kanja, author and political commentator for more on the story. hello, mr. college, welcome to press tv here for your take on this uh uh story, your thoughts on how many times the us is going to water down and impeed efforts to protect civilians in gaza. yeah. well, the united states basically is playing role to be the defendant of israel at the international in the international community, beside providing israel with all the military support to do its job, which is really to kill and murder palestinians. i would say even it it was more than watered down, but it was made more ambiguous and allowed every party to be able to read it the way they want to read this resolution. and and i'm sorry to say it it it would have been much better even without a resolution or with the v2 of the us on the resolution itself, because it's not... gna deliver anything without the v2, as it wouldn't have delivered anything with the v2, so basically it is possibly face saving for the us policy in in palestine and in trying to allow the netanyahu government to proceed with the w
diego california's jamal kanja, author and political commentator for more on the story. hello, mr. college, welcome to press tv here for your take on this uh uh story, your thoughts on how many times the us is going to water down and impeed efforts to protect civilians in gaza. yeah. well, the united states basically is playing role to be the defendant of israel at the international in the international community, beside providing israel with all the military support to do its job, which is...
Dec 3, 2023
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bajo el lema "todos somos texas" arranÓ en san diego, california, una caravana que viaja rumbo a la capitalrechazo a la ley antiinmigrantes sb-4... dicha ley busca facilitar la deportacÓn de los indocumentado s que sean encontrados en texas... la caravana visitaÁ varias ciudades del pais donde se haÁn pronunciamient os a favor de los inmigrantes... juan carlos gonÁlez tiene los detalles... seguimos en texas, donde en los dos aÑos que lleva funcionando el plan de seguridad fronteriza del gobernador greg abbott, se ha disparado el Úmero de personas fallecidas y heridas en las persecuciones a alta velocidad por la poliÍa... la organizacÓn human rights watch expreÓ que“la seguridad Ública no requiere andar manejando a altas velocidades por las carreteras y chocar con los veÍculos y casa”... desde en mcallen reyna rodÍguez tiene los detalles... en california hay alerta por el aumento de casos de sobredosis de drogas el aumento de casos de sobredosis de drogas mezcladas con xilacina, un Ármaco usado para adulterar o“corta” drogas recreativas y opioides comunes, y aÍ prolongar la duracÓn d los efe
bajo el lema "todos somos texas" arranÓ en san diego, california, una caravana que viaja rumbo a la capitalrechazo a la ley antiinmigrantes sb-4... dicha ley busca facilitar la deportacÓn de los indocumentado s que sean encontrados en texas... la caravana visitaÁ varias ciudades del pais donde se haÁn pronunciamient os a favor de los inmigrantes... juan carlos gonÁlez tiene los detalles... seguimos en texas, donde en los dos aÑos que lleva funcionando el plan de seguridad...
Dec 10, 2023
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diego california francisco fajardo >> y nos quedamos en california donde dos residentes tendrÁn que una gasolinera ubicada al sur de california y eras de taylor swift es la primera gira que recauda mÁs de 1000 millones de dÓlares asÍ lo revelÓ (nombre( la revista especializada en conciertos y mÚsica en vivo esta serie de conciertos no solo fue la nÚmero uno del mundo sino que vendiÓ cuatro puntos 5 millones de boletos en 60 fechas de presentaciones la publicaciÓn informÓ que recaudÓ aproximadamente 200 millones de dÓlares en venta de mercancÍa sin contar el Éxito que tuvo la adaptaciÓn cinematogrÁfica de su gira y el beisbolista japonÉs (nombre( firmÓ un contrato de 10 aÑos 700 millones de dÓlares con los Ángeles el beisbolista anunciÓ la decisiÓn a travÉs de instagram este contrato supera el acuerdo de 12 aÑos y mÁs de 426 millones de dÓlares que acordÓ (nombre( con el equipo de los Ángeles, ha sido nombrado el jugador mÁs valioso de la liga en 2021 y 2023 novato del aÑo 2018 y ha sido seleccionado al juego de estrellas en tres ocasiones >> en un albergue de tijuana organizan una p
diego california francisco fajardo >> y nos quedamos en california donde dos residentes tendrÁn que una gasolinera ubicada al sur de california y eras de taylor swift es la primera gira que recauda mÁs de 1000 millones de dÓlares asÍ lo revelÓ (nombre( la revista especializada en conciertos y mÚsica en vivo esta serie de conciertos no solo fue la nÚmero uno del mundo sino que vendiÓ cuatro puntos 5 millones de boletos en 60 fechas de presentaciones la publicaciÓn informÓ que...
Dec 3, 2023
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bajo el lema "todos somos texas" arranÓ en san diego, california, una caravana que viaja rumbo a la capital
bajo el lema "todos somos texas" arranÓ en san diego, california, una caravana que viaja rumbo a la capital
Dec 16, 2023
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diego, california, donde migrantes estÁn en medio de temperaturas queridas y fuertes vientos >> , pasadoeste es el tramo que los migrantes recorren cuando pasaron el cerco fronterizo donde, aseguran, no tienen que trepar, lo pasan por un costado. allÁ adelante, aproximadamente a una milla estÁ el campamento donde esperarÁn unos dÍas >> por eso, los mÁs afortunados esperan horas en estos campamentos improvisados, otros dÍas para que un vehÍculo de la patrulla fronteriza lo recoja y puedan ser procesados >> tenemos que esperar porque la patrulla estÁ viendo a las familias >> activistas aseguran que los campamentos como estos son centros de detenciÓn al aire libre y ponen en riesgo a los migrantes. en conjunto, siete organizaciones presentaron un queja formal ante el departamento de seguridad nacional , argumentando que la patrulla fronteriza no estÁ cumpliendo en ofrecer la comida adecuada, agua, higiene, refugio y cuidado mÉdico, como dicen, lo exige la ley >> durante el mes de octubre nos enteramos que una mujer de 29 aÑos perdiÓ la vida mientras estaba esperando en unos sitios al aire l
diego, california, donde migrantes estÁn en medio de temperaturas queridas y fuertes vientos >> , pasadoeste es el tramo que los migrantes recorren cuando pasaron el cerco fronterizo donde, aseguran, no tienen que trepar, lo pasan por un costado. allÁ adelante, aproximadamente a una milla estÁ el campamento donde esperarÁn unos dÍas >> por eso, los mÁs afortunados esperan horas en estos campamentos improvisados, otros dÍas para que un vehÍculo de la patrulla fronteriza lo...
Dec 4, 2023
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the come into san diego. california is a thinks ray state. so the entire state is welcoming to them. and yet, more than 80% of them when asked will tell you where they are going and it is not california. they are in fact going to miami and other locations. so with the fact is that they generally have family or relatives, they know roughly where they are going, realistically, is there anything wrong with sanctuary cities and century states being expected to take substantially all these people he said are welcome and the nonsexually states having a reasonable right to be less welcoming? >> what i would tell you is that the situation along the border defies reality to the extent and the numbers you are seeing -- >> in my area they know it's reality. my hispanic committee the live along the border are absolutely beyond belief. they just don't know what else to do because it represents people they would love to help but there are too many. >> so the busing situation, it is a necessity. it is a necessity for those on the border. there is the more c
the come into san diego. california is a thinks ray state. so the entire state is welcoming to them. and yet, more than 80% of them when asked will tell you where they are going and it is not california. they are in fact going to miami and other locations. so with the fact is that they generally have family or relatives, they know roughly where they are going, realistically, is there anything wrong with sanctuary cities and century states being expected to take substantially all these people he...
Dec 1, 2023
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they come into san diego. california as a sanctuary state so the entire state is welcoming to the man yet more than 80% of them when asked will tell you where they are going and it is not california. they are going to miami and other locations. so the fact is that they generally have family or relatives, they know roughly where they are going. realistically, is there anything wrong with sanctuary cities in sanctuary states being expected to take substantially all these people they said are welcome into non-sanctuary states having a reasonable right to be less welcoming? >> what i would tell you is the situation along the border defies reality to the extent, in the numbers you are seeing, >> my area, my hispanic community along the border are absolutely beyond belief, don't know what else to do because it represents people they would love to help but there are too many of them. >> the bussing situation is a necessity from those along the border, there's no more capacity so when you talk about new york city who
they come into san diego. california as a sanctuary state so the entire state is welcoming to the man yet more than 80% of them when asked will tell you where they are going and it is not california. they are going to miami and other locations. so the fact is that they generally have family or relatives, they know roughly where they are going. realistically, is there anything wrong with sanctuary cities in sanctuary states being expected to take substantially all these people they said are...
Dec 6, 2023
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diego, california.was insane. the commentators on the rights rightall the sudden he did an about-face he got less money for the wall then he had actually was action given by congress. >> one or two more calls in before the house comes in. and long island this is a republican line good morning. good morning. you guys touched on it a bit. it seems that the focus is on trump. but nope he just walks into the white house. theyey have to be elected, peope have to vote. it's almost 80 million, 75 million, whatever it was voters voted for child. the more he is indicted, the more i turn on the tv is terrible for this country this and that and his numbers are going up. i am just wondering if the focus should be more on the voter then saying how bad trump is. what is the psychology of why a guy that has been indicted so many times is leading in all of the polls? works will take the question personally don't think he's leading in all polls he's leading and some of them it's rather early to say who is ahead in this
diego, california.was insane. the commentators on the rights rightall the sudden he did an about-face he got less money for the wall then he had actually was action given by congress. >> one or two more calls in before the house comes in. and long island this is a republican line good morning. good morning. you guys touched on it a bit. it seems that the focus is on trump. but nope he just walks into the white house. theyey have to be elected, peope have to vote. it's almost 80 million,...
Dec 11, 2023
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diego california to brownsville, texas.ery adept at what they are doing. they know what they need to do to get their higher value products across. all they have to do is flood our resources. once they do that, then the border is wide open and clear for them to traffic cocaine, methamphetamines, and criminal aliens or aliens from special interest countries. it's a very scary situation on the border today. >> sandra: we continue to look at the live images there and reminded in the tucson center, as arizona is now the epicenter of the migrant crossings and the actual surge that is taking place, it has seen hundreds of mostly male adult migrants queued up against the border fence. agents are outmanned we are told 200-1 in the field according to officials and you see it happening on the screen, lukeville, arizona. brandon, appreciate your time. always do, thank you. >> thank you, sandra. >> john: as we watch that situation, harvard and mit facing growing pressure to fire their presidents over their antisemitism testimony. meanti
diego california to brownsville, texas.ery adept at what they are doing. they know what they need to do to get their higher value products across. all they have to do is flood our resources. once they do that, then the border is wide open and clear for them to traffic cocaine, methamphetamines, and criminal aliens or aliens from special interest countries. it's a very scary situation on the border today. >> sandra: we continue to look at the live images there and reminded in the tucson...
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diego, california, some of the chinese nationals are wearing designer clothing others in collared shirts couples the migrants have nice suitcases as well, these people do not appear to be running from bad government or upset in their country it's all military aged men in their well-dressed, what is going on here? >> this is a tragedy and this is the worst thing that we see inhabited our country. this border is out of control not only do we have these people coming in including terrorist we had 12 terrorists recently who were on the terrorist watch list who we identified coming across the border they're not done they know if they want to get the country that's all they got to do. not only that but the illegal drugs that are coming into this country and the fentanyl killing georgia people every day in our country how can we continue to ignore that, this administration does apple we have the republican party will not allow that to happen. when i go home the question is how can you justify sending money to ukraine to protect our border when you're not protected our border, that is a question
diego, california, some of the chinese nationals are wearing designer clothing others in collared shirts couples the migrants have nice suitcases as well, these people do not appear to be running from bad government or upset in their country it's all military aged men in their well-dressed, what is going on here? >> this is a tragedy and this is the worst thing that we see inhabited our country. this border is out of control not only do we have these people coming in including terrorist...
Dec 16, 2023
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his professional record is 13 fights, 12 wins includes nine wins by knockout only one loss, and san diegockout , only one defeat, ladies and gentlemen, contender for the title w, meet from sobdensk, russia. the final fifth fight of our evening, and of course dessert, big guys, super heavy weight, and the difference in weight here is very decent, under 30 kg, 27 s something, yes 28, well 95 egorov, 122 kg. we’ll see if garcia will act with his lefts, no, he still prefers to wait for egorova, garcia is near the ring, excuse me, near lukanatov, they give seconds before the first round, so it’s over. well, of course, you shouldn’t give the american the opportunity to throw all his weight on him, because this weight is big, he invites, come on, come on.
his professional record is 13 fights, 12 wins includes nine wins by knockout only one loss, and san diegockout , only one defeat, ladies and gentlemen, contender for the title w, meet from sobdensk, russia. the final fifth fight of our evening, and of course dessert, big guys, super heavy weight, and the difference in weight here is very decent, under 30 kg, 27 s something, yes 28, well 95 egorov, 122 kg. we’ll see if garcia will act with his lefts, no, he still prefers to wait for egorova,...
Dec 28, 2023
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a cardiologist from san diego, california... and a shipping manager from chicago, illinois...ow, here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- and a ken jennings!er from chicago, illinois... [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny. welcome back to "jeopardy!" second chance. today we're joined by three more players from season 39, all vying for that title that eluded them in their last appearance here-- "jeopardy!" champion. ben, greg, tammy, good luck. with a win and a spot in the finals on the line, here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. ♪♪ we begin with a... then we have... then i'm all up... then... and finally... ben, you start us off. let's start 2023 sports highlight reel for $600. he won three of four men's grand slam singles titles, but lost at wimbledon to young carlos alcaraz. - greg. - who is djokovic? yes. 2023 sports highlight reel, $800.
a cardiologist from san diego, california... and a shipping manager from chicago, illinois...ow, here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- and a ken jennings!er from chicago, illinois... [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny. welcome back to "jeopardy!" second chance. today we're joined by three more players from season 39, all vying for that title that eluded them in their last appearance here-- "jeopardy!" champion. ben, greg, tammy, good luck. with a win and a spot in...
Dec 30, 2023
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and a cardiologist from san diego, california... [applause] and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"nnings. [cheers and applause] thank you, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome, everyone, to day one of this 2-game total point final in this round of "jeopardy!" second chance. greg, xanni, and christopher are back with us on the alex trebek stage, but this time, and for the first time ever, as returning champions. congratulations for making it this far. now let's start finding out which of you will be advancing to champions wild card. we do that by playing "jeopardy!" did you know that? here are your categories in the first round. first up... then we have... and in the sixth spot... greg, you're gonna start off. features of the planet, $800. -greg. -what is jupiter?
and a cardiologist from san diego, california... [applause] and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"nnings. [cheers and applause] thank you, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome, everyone, to day one of this 2-game total point final in this round of "jeopardy!" second chance. greg, xanni, and christopher are back with us on the alex trebek stage, but this time, and for the first time ever, as returning champions. congratulations for making it this far. now let's...
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a researcher from san diego, california... and a chemistry professor from roanoke, virginia... here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thank you, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert, and welcome back to "jeopardy!" champions wild card. today we're wrapping up a week when we have already seen $400 great shows, and today promises to be another one as well. let's see if we can go five for five, shall we? gary, carmela, jon, welcome back to the alex trebek stage. pick up your signaling devices. we're ready to get into the game with these categories. we start off with an... next... then... and finally... each response will have those three letters, in that order. - gary, you begin. - organ recital for $600.
a researcher from san diego, california... and a chemistry professor from roanoke, virginia... here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thank you, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert, and welcome back to "jeopardy!" champions wild card. today we're wrapping up a week when we have already seen $400 great shows, and today promises to be another one as well. let's see if we can go five for five, shall we? gary, carmela, jon, welcome back to the alex...
Dec 19, 2023
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diego, in california, in lukeville in arizona, well, that is, by and large , there is such, you knownt surge of activity that has not been seen for a long time, however, a big question, well, here in the congress, will they satisfy? and, frankly, the half-measures of congressmen who demand deeper, more fundamental changes. and what happens in congress, what we see with our own eyes, that really senators, mostly congressmen, despite what is in the schedule it was supposed to be a vacation, they went to work on monday, well, now you see a bit of a ruckus on the sidelines of the congress, because i work at night, by and large , many politicians, many legislators appear in the offices during the day, they appear... their assistants, they want not only to negotiate, they also want to demonstrate that ukraine is important to them, and that is why they appear at work in order to find a compromise, which is a little questionable, these are the forecasts they give, they the forecasts are restrained, even rather pessimistic, and that's it the press, in particular lynsigram, a very pro-ukrainia
diego, in california, in lukeville in arizona, well, that is, by and large , there is such, you knownt surge of activity that has not been seen for a long time, however, a big question, well, here in the congress, will they satisfy? and, frankly, the half-measures of congressmen who demand deeper, more fundamental changes. and what happens in congress, what we see with our own eyes, that really senators, mostly congressmen, despite what is in the schedule it was supposed to be a vacation, they...
Dec 22, 2023
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. >> visiting from san diego, california >> florence, alabama. >> australia. >> and minnesota ♪ >> sending> on our bucket list trip to new york. >> from illinois >> that sign is good. >> oh, look at that. >> the level of thoughtfulness i mean, it is not a guy. >> we're so happy you are with us on our friday morning. >> it is packed outside. >> hoda getting a jump on the holiday weekend. missing out on that big crowd. you're stuck with craig and sheinelle this friday morning. good morning to you. let us get right to your news at 8:00 just three days until christmas now, folks and the holiday travel rush is very much in full swing. tens of millions of travelers hitting our nation's airports, our highways nbc's tom costello is at his post at reagan national airport with the very latest tom, how are we looking, buddy >> reporter: savannah just texted me asking for an update because she is flying today. so this is a busy, busy day. here's the thing almost every airport in the country, the morning push is around 7:00 a.m. so that's now gone through here. but take a look at an hour ago at reagan
. >> visiting from san diego, california >> florence, alabama. >> australia. >> and minnesota ♪ >> sending> on our bucket list trip to new york. >> from illinois >> that sign is good. >> oh, look at that. >> the level of thoughtfulness i mean, it is not a guy. >> we're so happy you are with us on our friday morning. >> it is packed outside. >> hoda getting a jump on the holiday weekend. missing out on that big crowd....
Dec 26, 2023
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reach san diego from baja, california to the san carlos, took twice that amount of time with many of its crew dead and or dying upon arrival. so this was not an easy journey. it reminds us that really, despite the fact they had navigated this a few times, they really didn't understand how to navigate these seas. they really struggled. they were not well prepared. and they finally consolidated excuse me, all the groups fully consolidated on july 1st, 1769, and san diego, with only half of their original members, the only half of the original members through the same until he decided to return back toot regather supplies and they lost another member solove people perished on this journey. on october 1, 1769 the portola family were in monterey and this was the harbor that was supposed to be so well guarded. how many of you have been to the monterey bay? when you are looking out from the middle of the day does it look like a harbor or does it look like the ocean? ocean? harbor? it looks like the ocean. they say i don't see a protected area and wears a harbor that is the monterey bay and
reach san diego from baja, california to the san carlos, took twice that amount of time with many of its crew dead and or dying upon arrival. so this was not an easy journey. it reminds us that really, despite the fact they had navigated this a few times, they really didn't understand how to navigate these seas. they really struggled. they were not well prepared. and they finally consolidated excuse me, all the groups fully consolidated on july 1st, 1769, and san diego, with only half of their...
Dec 10, 2023
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>> creo que es importante me sonar que el condado de san diego es el segundo condado mÁs grande de californiaa situaciÓn migratoria y yo por ejemplo tengo trabajando el tema migratorio, yo fui la primera directora de asuntos migratorios en el oeste de california en el 2000. entonces, esa experiencia de trabajar con las comunidadesmigratorias y de refugiados es una experiencia muy diferente a muchas otras comunidades, entonces, yo soy inmigrante, entonces es muy diferente tener un representante que conoce, que lo ha vivido, las experiencias vividas son diferentes, entonces eso presenta el trabajar y conocer ello participÉ cuando comenzamos del principiocomo otras pulsaciones y entendemos la importancia de tratar a las personas con dignidad y con respeto y que sabemos que las personas que vienen aquÍ y que estÁn pidiendo el asilo polÍtico como lo estÁn haciendo legalmente. octavio: quÉ cambiÓ? quÉ se dejÓ de hacer o quÉ es lo que se debe volver a ser o cambiar? >> lo que vemos es que la pandemia impacto a nivel global muchÍsimas comunidades. y eso, la combinaciÓn con la inhabilitaciÓn del tÍtul
>> creo que es importante me sonar que el condado de san diego es el segundo condado mÁs grande de californiaa situaciÓn migratoria y yo por ejemplo tengo trabajando el tema migratorio, yo fui la primera directora de asuntos migratorios en el oeste de california en el 2000. entonces, esa experiencia de trabajar con las comunidadesmigratorias y de refugiados es una experiencia muy diferente a muchas otras comunidades, entonces, yo soy inmigrante, entonces es muy diferente tener un...
Dec 6, 2023
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. >> choose office cited a recent study from uc san diego suggests as california and local cities haveted the sales of flavored tobacco products and enforce these laws against brick and mortar retailers. online sales have gone up. >> a new set of laws is set to take effect in the new year. that will bar employers here in california from discriminating against employees or applicants to use cannabis outside of the workplace. the laws will also stop employers from reprimanding workers who test positive for marijuana on an employer require drug test. all this will not stop employers from taking other measures to try to maintain a drug-free workplace, according to a b. 21. 88 bosses can still screen workers for the presence of active thc and take disciplinary measures against employees who are impaired in the workplace. the measure does not apply to certain employees like people in construction trades or workplaces that receive federal funding. california now joins 7 other states with laws protecting employment rights for recreational and medical marijuana users. >> coupon student. >> let'
. >> choose office cited a recent study from uc san diego suggests as california and local cities haveted the sales of flavored tobacco products and enforce these laws against brick and mortar retailers. online sales have gone up. >> a new set of laws is set to take effect in the new year. that will bar employers here in california from discriminating against employees or applicants to use cannabis outside of the workplace. the laws will also stop employers from reprimanding workers...
Dec 27, 2023
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reach san diego from baja, california to the san carlos, took twice that amount of time with many of its crew dead and or dying upon arrival. so this was not an easy journey. it reminds us that really, despite the fact they had navigated this a few times, they really didn't understand how to navigate these seas. they really struggled. they were not well prepared. and they finally consolidated excuse me, all the groups fully consolidated on july 1st, 1769, and san diego, with only half of their original members, the san antonio decided to return back to la paz to regain their supplies, and they lost another half of their members. so a lot of people perished on this journey. on october 1st, 1769, the portola party finally reaches the bay of monterey. but no one believe this is the harbor that was supposed to be so well guarded, so protected, so useful. how many of you been to the monterey bay? and when you're looking out from the middle of the bay like morro bay, does it look like a harbor or does it just look at the ocean. ocean harbor bay, it looks like just the ocean. yeah. so think
reach san diego from baja, california to the san carlos, took twice that amount of time with many of its crew dead and or dying upon arrival. so this was not an easy journey. it reminds us that really, despite the fact they had navigated this a few times, they really didn't understand how to navigate these seas. they really struggled. they were not well prepared. and they finally consolidated excuse me, all the groups fully consolidated on july 1st, 1769, and san diego, with only half of their...
Dec 22, 2023
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, actual thunderstorms off of the coast of san diego.avel forecast heading into christmas weekend, coming up >> this off season was a paramount importance for the san francisco giants. they needed one free agent to appease their fan base. we know they did not get this guy. plow, shoehi has another signing in l.a. who should san francisco now target? we will dive into it in sports. >>> a herd of santas come ripping around a corner in san francisco to stop the grinch that bit christmas ♪honey baked ham and potatoes au gratin♪ ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company . >>> tonight, a city is reeling from a rare mass shooting. people were running for their lives. 14 people killed, 20 were wounded, the shooting happened minutes away from a busy tourist area in old town. students were warned to stay put, some took cover on a ledge. you see them hanging here while others jumped to safe
, actual thunderstorms off of the coast of san diego.avel forecast heading into christmas weekend, coming up >> this off season was a paramount importance for the san francisco giants. they needed one free agent to appease their fan base. we know they did not get this guy. plow, shoehi has another signing in l.a. who should san francisco now target? we will dive into it in sports. >>> a herd of santas come ripping around a corner in san francisco to stop the grinch that bit...
Dec 22, 2023
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, actual thunderstorms off of the coast of san diego. we will have the travel forecast heading into christmas weekend, coming up >> this off season was a paramount importance for the san francisco giants. they needed one free agent to appease their fan base. we know they did not get this guy. plow, shoehi has another signing in l.a. who should san francisco now target? we will dive into it in sports. >>> a herd of santas come ripping around a corner in san francisco to stop the grinch that bit christmas . >>> tonight, a city is reeling from a rare mass shooting. people were running for their lives. 14 people killed, 20 were wounded, the shooting happened minutes away from a busy tourist area in old town. students were warned to stay put, some took cover on a ledge. you see them hanging here while others jumped to safety. a professor described the chaos that unfolded right when he was giving a lecture. >> we barricaded the door. we put all of the, you know, desks against the door. >> we had the sirens, like, four or five gunshots, very lo
, actual thunderstorms off of the coast of san diego. we will have the travel forecast heading into christmas weekend, coming up >> this off season was a paramount importance for the san francisco giants. they needed one free agent to appease their fan base. we know they did not get this guy. plow, shoehi has another signing in l.a. who should san francisco now target? we will dive into it in sports. >>> a herd of santas come ripping around a corner in san francisco to stop the...
Dec 27, 2023
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a second ship the san antonio took 54 days to reach san diego from baja,or california. the san carlos took twice this that amount of time with many of its group dead or dying upon arrival this is not an easy journey. reminds us that despite the fact they have navigated they really did not understand how to navigate the seas they were struggled and were not well prepared. fully consulted july 1, 1769 san diego with only half of the original members. the san antonio decided to return back to get supplies they lost another half of their members. a lot of people perished on this journey. on october 1, 1769 departed from it reaches the bay of monterey but no one believed at the harbor that was supposed to be so well guarded and so well protected. this look like a harbor or an ocean? ocean harbor one of the two ends to get a sense of it. disappointment in monterey of the server will take this in a very different attitude. and finallyfi they moved north trying to find the bay of san francisco. they were at the bottom shores of it with the peninsulas coming down they could not
a second ship the san antonio took 54 days to reach san diego from baja,or california. the san carlos took twice this that amount of time with many of its group dead or dying upon arrival this is not an easy journey. reminds us that despite the fact they have navigated they really did not understand how to navigate the seas they were struggled and were not well prepared. fully consulted july 1, 1769 san diego with only half of the original members. the san antonio decided to return back to get...
Dec 6, 2023
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. >> choose office cited a recent study from uc san diego suggesting that is california local cities have prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products and enforce these laws against brick and mortar retailers. >> online sales have gone up in the newsroom. ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. >> researchers at the university of new hampshire believe they now know what's causing that mysterious illness in dogs across the country. they say bacteria. that is part of the dog biome recently developed the capacity to cause disease and scientists hope that by identifying the bacteria they can ultimately find the right course of treatment for infected dogs. >> to the south bay, now, the santa clara valley medical center is being named one of the best u.s. hospitals for maternity care. the u.s. news and world report 2024 released their list today. every year they evaluate hospitals based on newborn complication rate, breastfeeding mill crate a birthing friendly practices and transparency with the patients. santa clara valley. health care is california's second largest county own health and hospit
. >> choose office cited a recent study from uc san diego suggesting that is california local cities have prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products and enforce these laws against brick and mortar retailers. >> online sales have gone up in the newsroom. ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. >> researchers at the university of new hampshire believe they now know what's causing that mysterious illness in dogs across the country. they say bacteria. that is part of the dog biome...
Dec 3, 2023
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la alerta se esparciÓ hacia de california como san diego donde en el 2017 desamparados fueron asesinadosal. >> si me dan la oportunidad de ir un albergue decisivo. por esta situaciÓn que se estÁ dando sÍ. no quiero sufrir un ataque a esos. >> en los angeles la alcaldesa karen llamÓ a refugiarse en albergues a los desamparados 4 cm en cuatro dÍas se le adjudica sospechoso que gracias a la colaboraciÓn de diversas agencias policiacas pudo ser detenido desde el dÍa miÉrcoles. francisco noticias del mundo. >> donde todavÍa busca el sospechoso que disparÓ cinco desamparados en las vegas las autoridades dijeron que uno de ellos es un hombre de 50 aÑos que falleciÓ en la escena los otros cuatro heridos y uno estÁ en estado crÍtico. testigos dijeron que un hombre vieron huir a un hombre despuÉs del tiroteo pero los investigadores no saben si esa persona estÁ involucrada en el incidente los detalles de lo que condujo el tiroteo se conoce. la policÍa de parÍs de tu nombre aquella persona cerca de la torre eiffel el agresor cruzÓ un cuchillo y luego martillo tiene 26 aÑos de nacional francesa que e
la alerta se esparciÓ hacia de california como san diego donde en el 2017 desamparados fueron asesinadosal. >> si me dan la oportunidad de ir un albergue decisivo. por esta situaciÓn que se estÁ dando sÍ. no quiero sufrir un ataque a esos. >> en los angeles la alcaldesa karen llamÓ a refugiarse en albergues a los desamparados 4 cm en cuatro dÍas se le adjudica sospechoso que gracias a la colaboraciÓn de diversas agencias policiacas pudo ser detenido desde el dÍa miÉrcoles....
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diego sector in california the cartels move things around i think this is a significant developmentestricting legitimate trade travel to reallocate resources to pro-more and more of illegal aliens because of their failed strategy, 33 months in the making they don't shift strategy they continue to process, more and more historic numbers illegal aliens no disincentive no promise policies in place to try to slow this flow instead simply want to manage it process it. so it continues to be a failed strategy i don't understand it i don't think american people understand it look at numbers every month they just shake our head say when is this administration going to wake up and start to do something about these numbers? >> unbelievable, now they don't they want to stop texas from trying to protect their citizens, texas has been ground zero in that federal appeals court ordered texas reremove buoys, barriers in july in rio grande thought would help deter a illegal migrants from swimming across the water i spoke with greg abbott yesterday he said he is not backing down at all watch this. >>
diego sector in california the cartels move things around i think this is a significant developmentestricting legitimate trade travel to reallocate resources to pro-more and more of illegal aliens because of their failed strategy, 33 months in the making they don't shift strategy they continue to process, more and more historic numbers illegal aliens no disincentive no promise policies in place to try to slow this flow instead simply want to manage it process it. so it continues to be a failed...
Dec 15, 2023
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back to your calls, roberta's in san diego, california. republican. caller: if you ever watched fox news, they literally watch and show us the legal people coming into this country. we are seeing people getting on top of the train crossing mexico to come here and that is being shown on fox news. why don't you ever have anyone from fox news on the show. they are the only ones who go all over this world caring enough to cover these things? sand day? n diego is where crystal math started do you know that? host: tell us about that. caller: this is been going in in san diego before it got across the nation and now we sit here with this poisonous product coming across the mexican border. the president of mexico she has we should hug each other even though it's being made in china and going into mexico and being put together in mexico and i want to say one last thing. first senator berrigan to say all brown people are anti-immigrant. my grandchildren are all brown and they don't want to see this horrible crab coming in this country. we should care about our
back to your calls, roberta's in san diego, california. republican. caller: if you ever watched fox news, they literally watch and show us the legal people coming into this country. we are seeing people getting on top of the train crossing mexico to come here and that is being shown on fox news. why don't you ever have anyone from fox news on the show. they are the only ones who go all over this world caring enough to cover these things? sand day? n diego is where crystal math started do you...
Dec 21, 2023
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crosses the border of california rated san diego. he comes by land. he was wounded. he is determined to walk across the border. and he wants wounded with a steeping leg. from the mother mission in laredo and baja california. and he walks north. nt meets up with the contention of really, it is tiny. 100 soldiers and eight fanatical priests crossed the border at san diego. and the local people in san diego are appalled at this invasion. they are a little bit curious by the fancy gold crosses, but mostly, they are watching these ships. especially the two ships, unloading dead sailors. so this is a very impressive, attractive conversion moment. the spanish, -- >> those soldiers were dead because of the terrors of the travel, not because they were assassinated. >> no. they were not assassinated. they died en route disease and hunger and malnutrition. and so, the first thing you see are these dead bodies being unloaded from the ships. not so persuasive. the spanish, under orders to expand the spanish empire into california. they have two goals. the first goal is to stop th
crosses the border of california rated san diego. he comes by land. he was wounded. he is determined to walk across the border. and he wants wounded with a steeping leg. from the mother mission in laredo and baja california. and he walks north. nt meets up with the contention of really, it is tiny. 100 soldiers and eight fanatical priests crossed the border at san diego. and the local people in san diego are appalled at this invasion. they are a little bit curious by the fancy gold crosses, but...
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john franklin is the mayor of vista, california, within san diego county. before we get going, sir.t we reported? 10,000 migrants crossed the border in one day? did you see that? >> yeah, it's out of control. stuart: okay, san diego county is going to try to give an extra $3 million to migrants. how's that going down with locals? >> not very well. >> the second inget of county soup visiers that want to fund a center and legal assistance and thousands of people living and we need resources to get the americans living on the streets out of the streets and conservative ship powers for drugs and funding for extra 26 staff members and this would pay to help get people off the streets of the county and we're using to vir which you signal. it's wrong. stuart: what's the resistance to that? is there any? >> robi robust debate and the bd of supervisors and people are speaking up. it's very con ten shoes -- contentious? stuart: any help from governor newsom? >> no, he's done very little to put words into action and hayed a lot of great great son servetive things running shadow campaign for pr
john franklin is the mayor of vista, california, within san diego county. before we get going, sir.t we reported? 10,000 migrants crossed the border in one day? did you see that? >> yeah, it's out of control. stuart: okay, san diego county is going to try to give an extra $3 million to migrants. how's that going down with locals? >> not very well. >> the second inget of county soup visiers that want to fund a center and legal assistance and thousands of people living and we...
Dec 3, 2023
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la alerta se esparciÓ a otras ciudades de california como san diego donde en el 2016 tres d desamparadosal. >> si me da la oportunidad de un albergue lo tomarÍa. Éste viernes helados pegas una persona muriÓ y cuatro heridas tras una balacera en un campamento desamparados que aÚn se investiga. >> en los Ángeles donde la alcaldesa karen llamÓ a la c comunidad desamparados refugiarse en un albergue agradeciÓ los esfuerzos para dar con el arresto. >> cuatro asesinatos en cuatro dÍas es lo que se le da a sospechoso detenido desde el dÍa miÉrcoles hasta hoy se anunciÓ su reto de regreso. 13 francisco por la informaciÓn el expresidente donald trump estuvo hoy en iowa dÍas es lo que se adjudica este sospechoso que fue detenido gracias a la colaboraciÓn de diversas agencias policiacas. fue detenido desde el dÍa miÉrcoles hasta hoy se anunciÓ su arresto de regreso. >> gracias francisco con informaciÓn quÉ bueno por la captura el expresidente toral trampa estuvo en iowa donde pidiÓ vigilar los votos de la prÓxima elecciÓn presidencial. mientras su defensa del caso por interferencia electoral sufriÓ
la alerta se esparciÓ a otras ciudades de california como san diego donde en el 2016 tres d desamparadosal. >> si me da la oportunidad de un albergue lo tomarÍa. Éste viernes helados pegas una persona muriÓ y cuatro heridas tras una balacera en un campamento desamparados que aÚn se investiga. >> en los Ángeles donde la alcaldesa karen llamÓ a la c comunidad desamparados refugiarse en un albergue agradeciÓ los esfuerzos para dar con el arresto. >> cuatro asesinatos en...
Dec 26, 2023
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reach san diego from baja, california to the san carlos, took twice that amount of time with many ofnd or dying upon arrival. so this was not an easy journey. it reminds us that really, despite the fact they had navigated this a few times, they really didn't understand how to navigate these seas. they really struggled. they were not well prepared. and they finally consolidated excuse me, all the groups fully consolidated on july 1st, 1769, and san diego, with only half of their original members, the san antonio decided to return back to la paz to regain their supplies, and they lost another half of their members. so a lot of people perished on this journey. on october 1st, 1769, the portola party finally reaches the bay of monterey. but no one believe this is the harbor that was supposed to be so well guarded, so protected, so useful. how many of you been to the monterey bay? and when you're looking out from the middle of the bay like morro bay, does it look like a harbor or does it just look at the ocean. ocean harbor bay, it looks like just the ocean. yeah. so think about the comin
reach san diego from baja, california to the san carlos, took twice that amount of time with many ofnd or dying upon arrival. so this was not an easy journey. it reminds us that really, despite the fact they had navigated this a few times, they really didn't understand how to navigate these seas. they really struggled. they were not well prepared. and they finally consolidated excuse me, all the groups fully consolidated on july 1st, 1769, and san diego, with only half of their original...
Dec 21, 2023
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right at san diego. he comes by land, he was wounded, he is determined to walk across the border, and he walks wounded with a seeping leg. from the mother mission in laredo, in baja, california, and he walks north, and he meets up with the contingent of 100 spanish soldiers and eight fanatical priests come across the border at san diego, and some come by sea. the local people in san diego are appalled at this invasion. they are a little bit curious by the fancy gold crosses, but mostly, they are watching these ships, especially the two ships keep unloading dead sailors. so, this isn't a very impressive, attractive conversioney moment. at the spanish, -- >> those soldiers were dead because of the terrors of the travel, not because they were assassinated? >> no, they weren't assassinated. >> died en route. >> they died en route from disease and hunger and malnutrition, so, the first thing they see are these dead bodies being unloaded from the ships. not so persuasive. the spanish, under orders to expand th
right at san diego. he comes by land, he was wounded, he is determined to walk across the border, and he walks wounded with a seeping leg. from the mother mission in laredo, in baja, california, and he walks north, and he meets up with the contingent of 100 spanish soldiers and eight fanatical priests come across the border at san diego, and some come by sea. the local people in san diego are appalled at this invasion. they are a little bit curious by the fancy gold crosses, but mostly, they...
Dec 6, 2023
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. >> two's office cited a recent study from uc san diego's suggesting that as california local cities have prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products. online sales have gone up. >> some small business owners in san francisco say a bike lane down the middle of the lengths he a street in the mission district is keeping customers away. that bike lane has now been in place for some 6 months. >> 6 months that we've ever have find the revenue to the question posed in front of, you know, we're all here. why do something like is nothing against the the the way that they it. and there's no point can only important quite didn't you anybody around to we what they see no parking >> business owners clearly upset traffic. officials say that they want a safe street for everyone and they want to support businesses. they do say that a review of the bike lane is scheduled for next year. all right. let's step outside and take a look at what's going on in san francisco in the 4 zone forecast. well, we can only talk about certain things that are going on in san francisco both will keep it just to th
. >> two's office cited a recent study from uc san diego's suggesting that as california local cities have prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products. online sales have gone up. >> some small business owners in san francisco say a bike lane down the middle of the lengths he a street in the mission district is keeping customers away. that bike lane has now been in place for some 6 months. >> 6 months that we've ever have find the revenue to the question posed in front of,...
Dec 23, 2023
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and san diego and right here in the bay area, in the satellite radar pitcher, the storm is exiting californiaan area of high pressure building in, the bubble of high pressure with us all weekend long, the only thing you want to watch out for is the chance for patchy fog. as we showed you earlier, thickest of the central valley, be careful if you're headed to tahoe or anywhere in interstate 5 were 99 and patchy dense fog for the bay area. even through the afternoon we could hold on to some of the fog through the foothills of the sierra. plans an extra time so you get from point a to point b . >>> more details in the microclimate forecast and rain coming up in the next seven days, as well as tomorrow morning, even if it will be dry you have patchy fog, temperatures starting of chile with lots of low 40s. and the north bay with 38 for the average, san francisco 45 in these bay 40. daytime eyes as we move through tomorrow, looking incredible, afternoon sunshine, it's be really nice day across the bay area, 63 concord, 62 san jose, and upper 50s have bay, 63 in napa . >>> if you're getting on a pl
and san diego and right here in the bay area, in the satellite radar pitcher, the storm is exiting californiaan area of high pressure building in, the bubble of high pressure with us all weekend long, the only thing you want to watch out for is the chance for patchy fog. as we showed you earlier, thickest of the central valley, be careful if you're headed to tahoe or anywhere in interstate 5 were 99 and patchy dense fog for the bay area. even through the afternoon we could hold on to some of...
Dec 1, 2023
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she, along with her colleagues at the university of california san diego, were now on a mission to save his life. >> what are we looking at here? >> where you see the bacteria are being killed like here and here, you know that she got a fage from that waste water that's killing that bacteria. >> when you see a plaque develop, that's a very good sign. >> yes, it's a very good sign. it gets us excited. >> reporter: there were few labs in the united states that were stoouding these, but scientists a at the navy and texas a&m university stepped in to help stephanie scour the world. and it worked. here's where think found the fages for tom. sewage treatment plants, barnyards, all containing naturally occurring fages. >> as soon as they were ready, they said we have to go. because he's really close. >> he's really close to dying? >> yeah. after we injected it into his bloodstream, even though he was in multistage organ failure, he woke up from his coma, lifted his head off the pillow and kissed his daughter's hand a couple days later. >> that gives me goose bumps. >> without a doubt, as hard
she, along with her colleagues at the university of california san diego, were now on a mission to save his life. >> what are we looking at here? >> where you see the bacteria are being killed like here and here, you know that she got a fage from that waste water that's killing that bacteria. >> when you see a plaque develop, that's a very good sign. >> yes, it's a very good sign. it gets us excited. >> reporter: there were few labs in the united states that were...
Dec 14, 2023
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and southern california, the city of san diego just open a second sanction camp capable of holding 400 10th. >> the site prohibits on-site drug and alcohol use and missing the curfew. more than 3 times our city staff is already learning from other jurisdictions. i was quite impressed with what san diego was able to stand up division still in its infancy essentially be comprised of tense on top of a wooden pallet paired with services such as security and bathroom states. essentially you're forced relocation speaking to by phone, longtime unhoused advocate john cartwright. the and house response group shared her views. shouldn't be 400 people out of sight should be areas that were smaller for domestic violence. survivors trafficking survivors. >> women and children and are just families in general mayor mahan address those concerns. different subpopulations have different needs. we have quit build communities with different populations and in fact. >> the city council in san jose just gave further direction to city staff to differentiate the sites based on the specific needs and the type
and southern california, the city of san diego just open a second sanction camp capable of holding 400 10th. >> the site prohibits on-site drug and alcohol use and missing the curfew. more than 3 times our city staff is already learning from other jurisdictions. i was quite impressed with what san diego was able to stand up division still in its infancy essentially be comprised of tense on top of a wooden pallet paired with services such as security and bathroom states. essentially you're...
Dec 6, 2023
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. >> choose office cites a recent study from uc san diego that found california and other local citiese prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products online sales have gone up. >> while cyclists have been enjoying zipping down the middle of lindsey street in san francisco, the small businesses along that street claim that that bike lane is keeping their customers away. in fact, a group of business owners spoke out yesterday against this pilot project that's been in place for the last 6 months. >> 6 months that we've ever. >> have find the revenue to the question posed in front of, you know, all here. why do something like nothing against the the anything the way that they it. and there's no point can only we important quite will have to you anybody to it and we what is no parking >> well, is it s says that they want a safe street for everyone and they also want to support businesses. and that's why they temporarily change some of the loading zones into parking spots after noon and 06:00pm on valencia street between 15 to 20rd. they do also point out that restaurant parklets on that
. >> choose office cites a recent study from uc san diego that found california and other local citiese prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products online sales have gone up. >> while cyclists have been enjoying zipping down the middle of lindsey street in san francisco, the small businesses along that street claim that that bike lane is keeping their customers away. in fact, a group of business owners spoke out yesterday against this pilot project that's been in place for the...
Dec 22, 2023
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right at san diego. he comes by land. he was wounded, determined to walk across the border. and he wounded with this seeping for from the the mother mission in laredo in baja, california. and he walks north and. he meets up with the contingent of really it's tiny a hundred spanish soldiers and a fanatical cross the border at san diego and some come by sea the come i and epa people who are the local people in san diego are appalled at this invasion there a little bit curious by the fancy gold crosses but mostly they're watching these especially the two ships keep unloading dead sailors. so this isn't a very impressive, attractive conversion moment. the spanish come though. so the soldiers were dead because of the terrors, the travel not not because they were assassinated. no, they weren't assassinated and died in route they died in route from disease and hunger and malnutrition and so the first thing the come i see these dead bodies being unloaded from the ships not so persuasive. the spanish come under o
right at san diego. he comes by land. he was wounded, determined to walk across the border. and he wounded with this seeping for from the the mother mission in laredo in baja, california. and he walks north and. he meets up with the contingent of really it's tiny a hundred spanish soldiers and a fanatical cross the border at san diego and some come by sea the come i and epa people who are the local people in san diego are appalled at this invasion there a little bit curious by the fancy gold...
Dec 1, 2023
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he was dying and she, along with her colleagues a the university of california san diego, were on a missionve his life. what are we looking at? >> where you see the bacteria are being killed like here and here, you know that you have got a phage from that wastewater that is killing that bacteria. >> when you see a plaque like that develop, that's a good sign? >> yes. it's a very good sign. it gets us excited. >> now, there were few labs in the united states actually studying phages, but scientists at the navy and texas a&m university stepped in to help stephanie scour the world. and it worked. here is where they found the phages for tom. sewage treatment plants. barn yards. all containing naturally occurring phaging that could do what no modern medicine would. >> he said we got to go because he is close. >> close to dying? >> yeah. after we injected phages into his bloodstream, even though he was in multistage organ failure, he woke up from his coma, lifted his head off the pill to owe and kissed his daughter's hand a couple of days later. >> gives me goosebumps. >> stephanie saved my life.
he was dying and she, along with her colleagues a the university of california san diego, were on a missionve his life. what are we looking at? >> where you see the bacteria are being killed like here and here, you know that you have got a phage from that wastewater that is killing that bacteria. >> when you see a plaque like that develop, that's a good sign? >> yes. it's a very good sign. it gets us excited. >> now, there were few labs in the united states actually...
Dec 14, 2023
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and southern california, the city of san diego just open a second sanction camp capable of holding 400 10th. >> the site prohibits on-site drug and alcohol use and missing the curfew more than 3 times our city staff is already learning from other jurisdictions. i was quite impressed with what san diego was able to stand up division still in its infancy would essentially be comprised of tense on top of a wooden pallet paired with services such as security and bathrooms. essentially a forced relocation speaking to by phone, longtime unhoused advocate john cartwright. the and house response group shared her views. shouldn't be 400 people out of sight. should be areas that were smaller for domesticiviolence. survivors trafficking survivors. >> women and children and are just families in general mayor mahan address those concerns. different subpopulations have different needs. we have quit build communities with different populations and in fact. >> the city council in san jose just gave further direction to city staff to differentiate the sites based on the specific needs and the types of
and southern california, the city of san diego just open a second sanction camp capable of holding 400 10th. >> the site prohibits on-site drug and alcohol use and missing the curfew more than 3 times our city staff is already learning from other jurisdictions. i was quite impressed with what san diego was able to stand up division still in its infancy would essentially be comprised of tense on top of a wooden pallet paired with services such as security and bathrooms. essentially a...
Dec 10, 2023
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esto luego que alguien en san diego muriera a causa de la enfermedad .ne más o menos en los deportes. >> atlético de san luis necesitaba un verdadero milagro para eliminar el américa en el azteca. le tengo las mejores jugadas de la victoria, que no fue suficiente para meterse a la fue suficiente para meterse a la final. al regresar a la pausa. de noche, las semillas mágicas se convirtieron en algo espectacular. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ¡mamáááá! ¡papááá! ♪♪ esta temporada, demuestra tu magia. ♪♪ ¿pueden creer que tenía que compartir el teléfono con él? gracias a xfinity, ahora tengo mi propia línea móvil. entérate cómo los clientes actuales de xfinity pueden obtener una línea de unlimited gratis por un año. además, obtén $400 de descuento en un teléfono 5g elegible. uhhh, tengo que mostrarte este video. mejor mándame el link. ¡cámbiate xfinity mobile hoy! hoy en el estadio azteca teníamos que presenciar un verdadero milagro, una verdadera tragedia, porque luego del partido de ■ida, las Águilas del américa tenían pie y medio en la final y solamente un desastre podía deja
esto luego que alguien en san diego muriera a causa de la enfermedad .ne más o menos en los deportes. >> atlético de san luis necesitaba un verdadero milagro para eliminar el américa en el azteca. le tengo las mejores jugadas de la victoria, que no fue suficiente para meterse a la fue suficiente para meterse a la final. al regresar a la pausa. de noche, las semillas mágicas se convirtieron en algo espectacular. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ¡mamáááá! ¡papááá! ♪♪ esta temporada,...
Dec 30, 2023
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also come january 1st pg&e will be out san diego by becoming the most expensive energy provider in california>>> south police say they made a major bust at an underground casino and brothel in san jose. tonight five people are facing felony charges. they are accused of operating a gambling and prostitution ring out of a commercial building on the 2400 block of autumn vale drive off of north capital avenue just blocks away from victory elementary school in north san jose. during the search police seized 33 guns and 150,000 rounds of ammunition. they also confiscated 500 pounds of marijuana and $20,000 in cash. >>> well if you have got one of those cool virtual reality headset games for christmas, watch out. people get so caught up in the virtual world that they forget what's around them. our business and tech reporter scott budman revealed a new set of risks that is landing some gamers in the e.r. >> reporter: they are cringe worthy videos we see more than often these days. someone getting hurt with a virtual reality headset on. sometimes ending up in the hospital and in this case, the stanfor
also come january 1st pg&e will be out san diego by becoming the most expensive energy provider in california>>> south police say they made a major bust at an underground casino and brothel in san jose. tonight five people are facing felony charges. they are accused of operating a gambling and prostitution ring out of a commercial building on the 2400 block of autumn vale drive off of north capital avenue just blocks away from victory elementary school in north san jose. during the...
Dec 30, 2023
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also come january 1st pg&e will be out san diego by becoming the most expensive energy provider in california. >>> south police say they made a major bust at an underground casino and brothel in san jose. tonight five people are facing felony charges. they are accused of operating a gambling and prostitution ring out of a commercial building on the 2400 block of autumn vale drive off of north capital avenue just blocks away from victory elementary school in north san jose. during the search police seized 33 guns and 150,000 rounds of ammunition. they also confiscated 500 pounds of marijuana and $20,000 in cash. >>> well if you have got one of those cool virtual reality headset games for christmas, watch out. people get so caught up in the virtual world that they forget what's around them. our business and tech reporter scott budman revealed a new set of risks that is landing some gamers in the e.r. >> reporter: they are cringe worthy videos we see more than often these days. someone getting hurt with a virtual reality headset on. sometimes ending up in the hospital and in this case, the stanf
also come january 1st pg&e will be out san diego by becoming the most expensive energy provider in california. >>> south police say they made a major bust at an underground casino and brothel in san jose. tonight five people are facing felony charges. they are accused of operating a gambling and prostitution ring out of a commercial building on the 2400 block of autumn vale drive off of north capital avenue just blocks away from victory elementary school in north san jose. during...
Dec 5, 2023
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. >> choose office cited a recent study from uc san diego suggesting that is california local citiese prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products and enforce these laws against brick and mortar retailers. >> online sales have gone up in the newsroom. ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. thank you. ella. >> well, the group behind the planned community called california forever. solano county is planning 2 more town halls in the bay area this week. the next one scheduled for wednesday in vacaville at the journey downtown theater. another set for thursday at the fairfield community center. each town hall expected to run from 06:00pm to 08:00pm. the first one was in vallejo last week and did get pretty heated. some angry neighbors questioning whether the house and will be affordable if there will be enough water to go around. >> still ahead, a quarter million birds gone practically overnight because of bird flu. what it could mean for the christmas season. and san francisco celebrating a citywide drop in car break-ins. but as one neighborhood can attest, there's still an awful lot more tha
. >> choose office cited a recent study from uc san diego suggesting that is california local citiese prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products and enforce these laws against brick and mortar retailers. >> online sales have gone up in the newsroom. ella sogomonian kron. 4 news. thank you. ella. >> well, the group behind the planned community called california forever. solano county is planning 2 more town halls in the bay area this week. the next one scheduled for...