a san isidro de how are you? very well. right thank you. so seeing two hands raised, kenny and aaron. kenny. i'm sorry i'm not a student exchange. thank you. aaron. aaron. that concludes our virtual. hear me? yes, aaron. are you just confirming that your student. oh oh, i apologize. no, i'm not sorry. okay. thank you. that does conclude virtual public comment. okay, great. so we're going to move on to now an agenda items. so most of the folks here are speaking to agenda items. so but i will call the ones who are non agenda items right now to smaller group. you can just go ahead and line up at the podium. you have one minute each if you do need translation, it will be two minutes. francis okay. i'm sorry, can we repeat that in spanish? in chinese, please? buenos noches. para todos participar, por favor. uh bayan al podium su tarjeta. si. usted necesita interpretation la podemos ayudar. gracias so are you. oh, come on. okay. one second. come on. hi. come on, man. okay thank you. thank you, man. go, go, go, go, go, go! fun go. thank you. so, f