semyon alexandrov, the head of the garage, a leader , a wonderful semyon, and the head of the searchave time to update, but in fact semyon very often changes his appearance, sometimes he grows a beard, sometimes he cuts his hair short, but he ’s at work now, he’s good, semyon is still there, no way, comrade lieutenant colonel, he’s not here today. it’s strange, he should be there, so, seryozha, urgently go to his house, we ’ll contact borsukov in the search party, take it, i ’m looking for semyon vladimirovich myself, i can’t get through to him, by the way, our cornfield was also stolen, we’re all over it collected, we need to go around the city and region and announce an interception plan, look for a white niva, license plate p283, radion 283 rm 90 region, radion mikhail 90 region, that’s it, thank you, let’s go! here he is. alexandra stand, quietly, quietly, quietly, calmly, hands, quietly, calmly. “citizen alexandrov, you were arrested on suspicion of murder, i saw through you right away, you’re still there at the eternal flame, you’re not a military general, no, you ’re a hybist,