lutaga.on of natural resources, a task that hastily cleared out the forests of the country, in the months of buraloma, the noise of the young trees, the pasture of the papaunyaetstsa forest fund, the active excavation plant, the nasennaga material. andrey watches the process yastrabau. rules for keeping clean. language for vykanannya task for collecting tsennaga material - a story from a forester with 25 years of experience, andrey valchok. sennya pratsa at a height of 10 m, the pakul is sprayed in the yard, the need to sanitize as a magician is big, the soil is an experienced partner, the situation is under control. i’ve been told the norm to make from standing trees is 17 kg, felled trees are 40 kg. i made the norm today. collecting chestnut shishak material for harvesting is an extremely important task. in the spring, not only your plantations, but also the rich magchymas will be provided to the elite lasgasy in the region. on the right is an important, hazelnut forest crop for the whole c