vasily aksenov, sergei davlatov, reed grachev, like that chopped poetics, a song by yuri visbor, it also there are skis in the air, the sunset behind the mountain goes out, the month ends in march, again. to go home, he was both insider and outsider with the flair of the western world, but enchanting with a touch of decadence, after the first suicide, hemengui was mourned as a loved one. hemanguy loved the soviet union very much, although he had never been to the soviet union, since it was, well , a state of a victorious dictatorship, of the proletariat. hemanguy perfectly understood the role of the soviet. the union played in the defeat of nazi germany and the idea of collectivism of hemingway, who suffered terribly from loneliness, were to some extent close, although he also understood some of the danger that totalitarian collectivism carried. khamengue never visited russia, although... even today , khamengue’s name is not in major american anthologies, as if this was retribution for his lifetime fame, although his poetics, subtext and ability to remove everything superfluous, what c