this book, written by ma banui, related to shahid paknejad, is narrated when i spoke with him more. his life cannot be put into words , he said: i was the first person in the basij sisters, i registered. at the same time , i was the guide of the literacy movement. a revolutionary activist woman who was campaigning even during the struggle against the male-dominated pahlavi regime. let me do whatever is more dangerous. the information that i received from the imam was that during the war years , he was the head of the women's group behind the battle fronts to collect aid . at that time, there was no salary and money, he had the heart to do the work, many years have passed since those days, but miss abedin zadeh has dedicated his whole life to the martyrs , from organizing the national congress of paknejad martyrs to the martyrs defending the shrine since 1990, when the congress of martyrs abedinzadeh started working , they are now fully in the basij. i would like to work in this way, mostly in scientific fields , to help them in writing their books and in their articles . these days,