via skype from leads, author and imam of babil, sheikh jaafar ladak. thank you very much to both of you for being here. uh start with you, carol, and i, i'm going to start with a quote from the american political scientist robert pape who said of the gaza massacre in the following words: gaza, quote, is one of the most intense civilian punishment campaigns in history. it now sits comfortably in the top quart of the most devastating bombing campaigns ever. speak to that. i won't say the sitting comfortably at all, would you? "how can we go back a little bit, germany be sending tanks, they should be sending aid, they should be 80% of the world's population star." why aren't they sending food, why are they sending weapons with the us approval? it's unbelievable. i can't understand why a country called germany who should be realing what's going on, reeling, and and the people of germany must be like the people of the uk, having a government that's working against what the people really want to send weapon. to kill more palestinians, 25,000, 25,00 people de