well, you shelma was wallowing because she got into a rage.i confess, because i’m like that with ramanam. tsyaper, mother , i confess, that s ramanam, so, so... like the downhill lyamady lyamady walka zhagnir young people, that young oh, krasnadzelka not ўsyakay not ўtsyakay zhauneryku vataty yes vataty oh yes oh lyuli yes oh lyuli give it to the janitor, give it to him, give it to him , give it to him, give it to him, give it to him . give it to the woman, give it to the woman, give it to the woman, don’t give a red squirrel, give me a roar, give me a cotton roar, and all the soap, mur-muravanans, ay-ay-ay, oh! murmuravanyk paradise-paradise tsyaf-tsyah-tsyah, ay-yay-yay, oh, in the valuable forest, mur-muravans, murmuravans, not pabelyans, edge-paradise-paradise, tsah-tsyah-tsyah, ay-yay, oh, not havilyons, ayay, oh, murmuravans, not pabelyans, but in that house there are dzyauchi. let's go with us and the world with the cossacks, there will be happiness, dzeuchina is red, ah-ay-ay, there budze shchasna, dzeuchyna , red, girlish, dzeuchyna i