, that is, simon petlyura , indeed, from the very beginning of his public activity and journalistic workally interested in the cultural and artistic life, well, as a factor in the formation of the ukrainian people, the ukrainian nation, well, before the condition in general, yes, there was some kind of political independence, and that's why they really knew each other, i understand correctly that what koshyts collected then in the kuban, it was in these cossack villages, he - he made records, yes, and they too, they lost this archive, unfortunately , too, all of them are almost lost, that is , he managed to find about a thousand songs there, and he compiled such a collection, which even won a certain award at that time, in such... awards, but since these were all competitions organized by the russian side, this was still the time of the russian empire, that collection was lost somewhere, and oleksandr koshyts, when he was in exile, wrote that he reproduced these works from memory, and literally several of these sutokuban songs are preserved today in the archive of his winnipeg, but unfor