has launched a new direction of cargo transportation, it will develop on skygates airlines base, the first board in zhukovsky was met by my colleague anna lazreva, she is now in direct contact with us, anya, hello, how did it go, maria, hello! the first flight has already been successful, one might say. so, the first commercial flight of the modernized il-96400t landed at zhukovsky airport in just a couple of hours and did it very effectively. i suggest you take a look. well, what was the first flight like from the eyes of the pilots, we asked the aircraft commander about this, let's listen, see it with the turret this is not the first time for me, this is a common thing for me, and i like it all , i liked the plane too, everything is fine with it, i think it will have a great future, each plane is different from the other, no one is the same, that’s what his face is, here he is what, why is he serious, serious face? the start of a new business direction of cargo transportation, before that in august the holding acquired the skygates airlines airline, today is truly a significant eve