well, konstantin, hat. and the most important object is this chain, which was crushed at our smalyansk plant is no longer in ruins there, but we managed to know all the bricks. and now victoria, i i’ll tell you riddles, and you’re asking for them , let’s try them, let’s go, they’re draulians, nevalizny, velmas. handy for the hand, helping to wash white paper, laazer tsi roki, and i know, this is a pranik, so, where is it here, like this, right, like this, the beginning has been made successfully, we move on, two rings, two kants, and in the end there is a color, scissors, so ingenious, well, yes, i guess so, a great mystery, grandma winged. galloping on a golden horse, here's a problem for you as an asterisk, i give you a padkazka, geta all for a getai scyan, thank you, you absolutely narrowed down the choice, well, gold - geta like vugalki, maetstsa on uvaz, this, i really don’t know what it’s called, that’s great, but now attention, supergra, daddy fathom, womb spyaden, and kids pomyazintsu. on the basis of the smolyansk school we have the opportunity, the students, or rather, have t