david sornov.e into the backstage of the country’s loudest talent show, factorby. our helena mirai has already prepared a new portion of the exclusive. and this, by the way, is just the tip of the information iceberg. we have a lot of interesting things for you, including guests. for example, in the second hour, that is, after 7:00 in the morning, we are waiting for the chairman of the belarusian ski union, alexandra gribneva. we will talk with him about the development of skiing. sports in our country, and i ’m sitting here and thinking about whether cutlets are harmful for an athlete, let this question hang in the air, i have other cutlet- related information, now i’ll tell you everything, belarusian scientists have begun to print natural meat cutlets on a 3d printer , and let me note this, this is a unique technology, the fact is that in food, in ordinary food printing , artificial additives and preservatives are used, while the belarusian innovation in the composition of the finished product co