john the baptist italian masters, stradivari and guarneri. to create one violin. takes from a month to a year, each instrument contains up to hundreds of parts, the type of wood is also important, the lower part is maple, the upper part is spruce, they are processed with special miniature planes. the abbot of the monastery, father bartholomew, became interested in violin making as a child, when he was denis kuznetsov in mira, received a musical education, and then created a string instrument workshop in the monastery, perhaps the only one of its kind in russia. i was still doing this. well, for myself, well, from a long time ago, but not in a practical sense, when we became isolated, in the fourteenth year, it became necessary to come up with something so that it would be possible to maintain the monastery, before the start of a special military operations the stanichansky church, like all russian churches now in ukraine, was subjected to oppression by soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine against