stanislav filipsky and alesya chuchura, tv news agency.nows that this... guy, this athlete, is the strongest athlete from belarus and he is truly the strongest on the planet at the moment. well, today we are cheering together for evgeniy zolotoy in academic rowing. his jealousy caused the bus to break down. the tentative new start time is 12:30. the olympics of scandals are yet another in women's boxing. another transgender person was beaten. scandals at the olympics have already created a wave critics. memes are appearing on social networks about how paris, under pressure from american liberals, is essentially legalizing violence against women. what is happening now at the olympic games is a disgrace of all times, said the president of the international boxing association. umar kremlev promised that the iba will reward both injured athletes as for first place at the olympics and will protect every woman in boxing from. hungary also turned to mok for clarification on gender discrimination. middle east, the situation is heating up every day