and buckley, maria stein, stephanie dtyou erg and kate harris.nie dtyou want to kate harris. and buckley, maria stein, stephanie dtyou want to join; harris. and buckley, maria stein, stephanie dtyou want to join us arris. and buckley, maria stein, stephanie dtyou want to join us live. and buckley, maria stein, stephanie dtyou want to join us live in nd if you want to join us live in the studio and be part our the studio and be part of our wonderful audience, that's very the studio and be part of our wondyjust audience, that's very the studio and be part of our wondyjust go dience, that's very the studio and be part of our wondyjust go to�*nce, that's very the studio and be part of our wondyjust go to sro that's very easy. just go to sro, come along and join in the fun, stay tuned for mark dolan. that's coming up next. don't forget that headliners is on every night at 11:00. that's the late night paper preview show, where comedians talk you through the next day's news stories . next day's top news stories. that's tonight 11 and every