violations administrative removal of burdensome regulations and the discussion of guiding the citizens of straviathe information of economic opportunities, these are the things that are the inherent and natural duty of the government that comes to work and must do whatever is right . it's not enough , it means that these solutions are more than willpower the truth is that the person who will be able to take the responsibility of the government later must make a decision and believe in the necessity of doing this and that. this is a matter of belief and trust in the decision makers. let me use another topic from hazrat agha , he is talking about capacity. geography, infrastructure, and they say one sentence, they say that one of our problems is that we have officials in the country , they basically do not believe in the existence of these capacities, and beyond that , they do not believe in the effectiveness of these capacities, and now this lack belief we see that in this discussion of the obstacles and factors of creating the economy of the people, it is possible for someone to come to this disc