what is the other case of the world today, looking for the answer to this question, what happened to suad. he abandoned the slogan of two centuries of neutrality and became a member of nato. what are the consequences of this membership for russia? but before starting the talks, let's see a selection of pictures of international support for palestine in yesterday's shabaneh. inna! takhsi takhsi israel takhsi takhsi israel and takhsi israel's destruction, israel's destruction, israel's destruction , and disgrace in their fronts, sarva, fin, yajnos and khaibatham. or an american , who surrenders , and is coming, and is coming, and is coming, and is coming, and is coming, and is coming, and is coming , and is coming , and is coming, and is coming, and is coming, and is coming. it has been requested from the women's authority commission. the permanent representation of our country announced in a statement that more than 9 thousand palestinian women were killed by the zionist regime amid the inaction of the united nations commission on the status of women. in this statement, on international wo