zhudaasnae dtz near sudskiy district. two men died.n the month of celebration, we perform the following aperaty. group and partners. sennya ranіtsay vadzіcel the volkswagen is collapsing on the slutsk -yachava highway, and sometimes on the sustrechnaya palace it is collapsing with matatsyklyam. the entire bike and passenger were lost. vadzitsel and those with severe traumas are hospitalized, infected and found in intensive care. suitable for the latest information, in this regard, there is already an eighth attack on the administrative administration along the lines of daii, and this is also the most adventurous view on the transport sector. matacyklist, as i say, has no problems with the laws, but the story would have access to the road authorities. spiashazza changing winter tires to summer tires is not a problem, and rightly so , raid measures in the capital, autamataras papyaredzhvayutsya, that the early frosts of the earliest right galalodzitsa ў initial and early gadzіns . on such old-age covers, the covers are ineffective. uncon