may come up to ask about her health, there for sure, svetlana nesterova, i talked to her today, she wasg ready to fly away. can you imagine her situation, wait, where did you see her? yes, in the hallway at the doctor's, can you imagine, i'm sitting, and she leaves kulagina upset, and i am also upset about kulagina, jean, i did not confirm there nothing, oh, don't even ask, lenka, this bitch didn't even let me into the university, she just wrote out a referral, she says, and so, everything is clear, a false pregnancy remains in my memory, don't worry, yes. eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you on, the most fabulous, privyvaly, this was absolute cutie, so small, beautiful, a miracle, such a doll, a statuette, you are just... tambr, some kind of bell, you are super, the eighth season, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. nevsky, new season, coming soon to ntv. computer chair techer for 8,990 rubles. on yandex market. this is painfully familiar to me. and against back and joint pain. diclofenac acos. somehow not enoug