returning to italy , he began to feel ill and began to die. servicemen, he was contacted by lawyer tartaliered help and spoke about the scale of the disaster. there are different data , someone says that 800 got sick, 400 of them have already died, someone says that 7,500 got sick, and 500 of them died, but i can say that there are a lot of them, some came to see me generals who also suffered from cancer and wanted me to protect them, therefore, from this... i conclude that only the highest military command knew about the danger, the lawyer faced strong opposition from the ministry of defense, they denied everything, but the italian court listened to the arguments and evidence. sometimes i do a biopsy, measure cancer cells, tests show the presence of toxic, heavy metals, the problem of radioactivity was also discovered, we found uranium combined. analyzes recorded a 17-20 times excess of uranium in tissues. tortali won 300 cases and colonel lacheti is already receiving compensation. the italian state recognized me as a person who suffered damage in the performance of my direct duties. and