center with ayatollah motahari and beheshti, and then the publishing office for release the islamic books of muhammad javad bahnar and muhammad ali rajaee, all the ways of the movement aside the late mr. rajaee, who you all know, was a committed and dedicated man, and he was really a teacher of ethics and his own actions, as well as mr. bahner, who was a committed scientist and teacher. and now the programs of their government emphasized on this education. the school government formed the literacy movement for the underprivileged. he nationalized schools and made education free. the content of the program should be constructive and useful content. to have a message in his humanities department. useful and positive song. he should be constructive and his mathematical experience in the science department should be such that we will be self-sufficient and be able to provide the latest scientific phenomena and ideas to our generation. at a time when the war was taking all the country's strength, the newly established government was tested to support the troops at the front and strengthe