will it go to tazirat with your announcement, or will it go to tazirat itself? no , we will check it in the supervisory council. non-government schools do not have the right to enter into this issue, we must deal with this issue seriously. in the past, there have been serious cases of violation of about 1,000 to 30 schools. we have closed 250 schools in the past years, about 88 schools were closed due to the tuition fee, yes, it was partly due to the tuition fee. the ones that were accepted, so one is through the system, the second issue is attendance at the education in the provinces and the administrations themselves. this presentation of the province's discussion and response to the complaints of the provinces are the answer to this issue, and if not, we ourselves in the organization it is in the service of india. the issue of rent was also mentioned in the previous report that we saw. we have another report in this regard that the directors of education departments are concerned about this. let's see this report and come back to your service. it is one of th