oh, tem, sorry, now tem, temich, temich, temich, temich, temich, temich, come on, come on, come on, come baby, who? came to us, this is a fisherman, hello, tyomych, this is a fisherman who sailed, tyomych, the fisherman says hello to you, tyoma, tyoma, tyoma, don’t cry, please, well, well, we did everything right, well tyom, dad is with you, we ate, ate, drank, drank, went to the toilet twice, tem, well, well, still for you, the folder is for you, mom is for you, yes, about the folder, she doesn’t think at all, the folder is on her side, the folder is her ring , she tells him where the washing machine is, you think that... and oh my god, everything is fine with you, no, excuse me, let's go from this side, oh , it hurts, lord, what is it, what's the story, lift me up somehow, i'll try it, oh, i'm now, oh, oh, oh, oh, it's far away , it was far away, now i’m hobbling home, oh, no, i’ll accompany you, yes, no , yes, no, well, what is this, and what is this, well, since the snow will fall, and these utility workers have been in the yard for weeks they ca n’t clean it, i didn’t clean everythi