visit, doctors who spend more time in thgency room, at some point does this analysis lead to the othereltlogar: it ihard to imagine that it could for a couple of different reasons. i ta t point you will pick out different links and suggest thathe are ways to depart and say that maybe has a specific matter e two could be more likely to occur.yi toryl matter because it rests on so nyifferent things that would happen one on top of another a made by third parties who are strangers and not pa othe suit. that brings the case like klapper smers where the court has recognized that when the theory of injury turns on ny intervening events separated by independent decisions it cldean that hurdle to establishing standing. >> could you provide a more specific answer to the first question that justice thomas d you, is there anybody who could challenge in court the lass owhat the fda did? ms. prelogar: in this case i think thaner was no. justice kavanaugh: is there ybody that could do that? let us start with the states that intervened. will you say that in that litigation fine, you can challee and let u