’s what’s next, gold reserves, near the border of belarus with lithuania , the agricultural town of trabyrumor has it that the best recipes for rolls are here. good afternoon good afternoon, my name is, what is your name? my name is valentina, the landscape is stunning, the eye of an inquisitive foreigner clings to the local beauty, they make me very nervous because i haven’t been for a long time, although it’s similar. in recent years , summer residents have attacked these places only on the road. not far from the capital there are all living conditions, landscapes, even paintings. the conditions are all suitable for urban conditions. almost every home has either gas heating, a lot is being done now electric heating. people are involved, everyone works for us. valentina marusova in the position of chairman of the village executive committee 11. splok, bathroom, gate, ottoman, built in no time, a foreigner is not used to working with his hands, all that remains is to give compliments, it’s generally simple, well, there ’s one melon like that, heinrich adores alekhnovich tinker with the se