baroka broadcast. tretsi on top z'eў pachatak geta vezha, here it was tsikava, as yana there geta vezhathese two tophaў went away, and the vezha geta assablivaya, here flat, and the ceiling is not in the middle of flat scenes, but concave, but rather a concave scyana, so it will be at an angle, and here it is concave, here it is concave, and the points are concave, and that timid masters, they are striking the edge of this corner and there such... kavalachka scenes, i think, there are pellets like this on these, well, such an element, which is mattsovaya , there that well, all the same on the flanks there is a certain kind of pavement, which here the cornices are covered, baroque carni ps, we call them carpavans, then there are yany troshki eight idze kanmis, then paysha zaglybenne, patym yanno adrazu came to the top, and this ўzbagachae forms, there is the same sonic par-znamu. geta kali adrezak stsyany vyluchaetstsa forward or back with all the parts of the beast. the decorations of the baroque dachshund have a rich color palette, admiration and bardot, although the most popular color